Re: Contest Drawing : Cliff Hanger II

Sat Feb 14, 2009 3:01 am
by DocRock
WOW ... cork should get any pedal he wants. What a story!!!
Re: Contest Drawing : Cliff Hanger II

Sat Feb 14, 2009 5:11 pm
by Tonefishin
Just got it!! Thanks Donner!!
Man Oh Man...I think I figured out why it's the Cliff Hanger. I've only been able to warm it up just a bit, but I can't remember a pedal that can hang onto a note and do some beautiful things with it, like this baby can. If this is a bug Duh...let me tell you that I know very little about this pedal and have not read the reviews on it's daddy, but I thought it would be better to go straight from nothing rather than come in with the original pedal background - except for the highly talked about tone knob.
I have a super busy weekend going, and I have to find a car for my daughter, but I'll try to really dig in sometime within the next week or two...and one day soon, I'll post a thoughtful (as I can do in words) tone report. Promise!!!