NewarkWilder wrote:Slim Henderson wrote:BBOD into DRD is the brown sound, nailed......loved the red white blue combo.
but being the BLUES DAWG that i am, i think the honeybee is gonna work out over the BBOD.
i kept thinking the honeybee would be more limited and narrow sounding than it actually is......that circuit is totally a winner, no wonder all you guys love them!

its not like the hype was all for nothin ya nerd. HBOD is syrupy sweet tone goodness!
i know, i know....for some reason i was resistant to try it. i think in some ways the marketing aspect of labeling it as the "small amp sound" is a double edged sword -- it made me LESS interested in hearing the pedal.
and to my ears, it doesn't sound too much like a maxed out champ or old supro. it does have some of those qualities, but not as much as i expected, which is GOOD for me.
it DOES have a very interesting circuit that operates and behaves much like a tube amplifier, and once i learn to tweak it a bit better, and maybe use EQ after it to notch that one frequency that sometimes annoys me, i can do something with this pedal
baby pink is really quite a winner. and will come in handy a LOT.
it will be interesting to play this pedal and the new MP amber drive side by side.....