BJF wrote:Hi,
I'd like to thank everybody for their contributions and welcome further additions
I think this model will be amber. I have designed this specifically for MP amplification.
OK maybe a few of these can be made for this forum and I would then also like to ask for anything I can use for a manual such as ways to describe functions.
Gentlemen have fun and thanks
Ah Amber,,seems well suited if this is sort of a hbod/bbod cross, as it also reminds me of a girl named Amber who was well rounded, a bit see thru, but warm too. and really never had much too gain.
well for future things,I was also thinking that Ive not seen a Iridescense color. maybe a Iri OD, reflecting all the spectrums.
most gracious of you to make a few for us formites... you are always too kind. I would be very much interested as well.