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Honey Bee Settings

Sun Jan 25, 2009 9:02 pm
I started browsing, and wasn't finding anything. Is there a thread of honey bee settings? I noticed that my volume seems to drop from clean unless the volume knob is all the way CW, but then I believe it is 100% processed signal, correct? I have to also turn the nature knob CCW in order to keep that volume up (because of the bass boost).
Just curious how some other people have theirs.
Re: Honey Bee Settings

Wed Jan 28, 2009 1:53 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
I think the unity gain on my Honey Bee is near 12 o'clock on the volume knob. Overall though, the Honey Bee doesn't have a ton of volume on tap compared to some other pedals.
As far as the nature knob, I just tweak it as I switch guitars and based on the type of vibe I'm going for. Hope that helps!
Re: Honey Bee Settings

Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:50 pm
by Donner
yeah and also the drive a nd nature are a bit interactive ...
Re: Honey Bee Settings

Wed Jan 28, 2009 10:58 pm
by horsehead75
my favourite setting on HB is vol + nature + drive on 05:00. Works best for me.
Re: Honey Bee Settings

Thu Jan 29, 2009 5:49 pm
by thiscalltoarms
I usually run mine around:
Volume: 11-12:30
Tone: 8-9:30
Gain: 1-2:00
Unity or a pinch above, on the dark side, and a crunch if I am on my bridge bucker, but fairly clean in the middle or the neck bucker on my SG. I don't use it with my Orange, only my Budda. Not sure why.