Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Mon Jul 11, 2011 4:34 pm
by thesjkexperience
Got the Strymon TImeline! I am tending to get more dirt from the amps. Especially my new-to-me Swart SST-30! So this is the new rig that goes into a Swart AST PRO, Victoria 20112 and the SST-30.
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Mon Jul 11, 2011 5:21 pm
by mikepick
How are you liking the Timeline? I remember that you didn't bond with the TC Flashback. I suspect the Timeline is much better.
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Tue Jul 12, 2011 11:50 am
by thesjkexperience
The forum kicked me off and didn't take a rather long post about the TImeline. So, lets just say that it is far and away the best delay ever and truly lives up to the hype. I can put anything in front of it and it takes it all. Fuzz, treble booster, wah and BJFE sound fantastic in front of it. I cant say that about any of the TC products.
Tonight I hope to see how it works with amp distortion behind it. I'll let you know.
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Sat Jul 16, 2011 5:19 pm
by rockeroo
sonictroubadour wrote:Floor 71611.JPG
Well, it won't last long, but I thought it would be good to capture my current "sonic disaster", which features the VCF (top center), for posterity.
If only I hadn't sold my EGDM to Rockeroo, I could have substituted it for the CH2 and it would have been the BJFE "shades of green" board!

Sorry to screw up your shades of green, Sonic! Perhaps we can ask Donner to rebox your CH2 in a nice Christmas green?
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Thu Jul 21, 2011 9:18 am
by triggaz
Here is my current setup
PGC - LGW - RRB - PPF - CAF - HBOD - SBEQ - TC Nova - Eventide Space
Any comments on the pedal order?
BTW just picked up the louder and more head.
Amazing amp with tons of tone options. I have had small wattage
amps from XITS, Morgan, Reeves, Auble and this beats them all.
Thanks. Mike B
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Thu Jul 21, 2011 10:42 am
by Donner is Bobby Schnecks current board on tour right now with Slash/Myles Kennedy
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Thu Jul 21, 2011 11:14 am
by triggaz
I usually use the LGW and RRB alone or in series or use either to boost
the PPF or HBOD.
You think I should run the SBEQ after the time based effects, last in my chain?
I am going to start running my eventide stuff in the effects loop of my amp
so the SBEQ will be last in the chain after the TC Nova pedal.
Mike Byrne
Welcome to the board and sweet gear, triggaz!
As for your pedal order, the number one consideration is - do you like how it sounds? If so, then you're "there". That being stated, you might want to experiment with the RRB placement, going either immediately before or after your PGC or between your HBOD and SBEQ. The RRB is a great sounding and versatile sonic tool. It can make clean tones just bigger, just MORE (!) or it can drive other pedals (or just your amp) to new levels, making them warmer, thicker, richer sounding. What effect it has depends on where you place it and how hard you push it. Personally, I tend to put it either at the beginning of my chain or at the end of my "power section", but before my "modulation section", hence my suggestions, above.
Remember, you can't really go wrong and, if you do, just change things back!
Good luck. Have fun!
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Sun Jul 31, 2011 7:39 pm
by colourtones
PGC DLX, MFGP Mystery fingerless glove pedal, HBOD DLX and SBEQ. Sometime I rotate
an EGDM or PH in the mix. How does the MFGP sound? Very warm.
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Sun Jul 31, 2011 10:52 pm
by thesjkexperience
colourtones wrote:PGC DLX, MFGP Mystery fingerless glove pedal, HBOD DLX and SBEQ. Sometime I rotate
an EGDM or PH in the mix. How does the MFGP sound? Very warm.
That is a rather large board with very big tone, but few pedals.
Re: Post your BJFE pedalboard!

Sun Jul 31, 2011 11:31 pm
by musicsoma
With international shipping I bet this heads to Asia.