Thanks, wish the picture was a little bigger, but I feel pretty proud I actually got it to post at all. It is such a PITA at the Gear Page.
Totally excessive I know, but some Gibsons I picked up for very cheap in the early '80's put a lot of money in my guitar fund over the years. My wife is very (ok, VERY VERY) nice and lets me keep my toy fund going towards more toys and since becoming a Dad 5.5 years ago I usually get something nice for Father's Day (I guess the 14 hour days 365/year have some reward). She also worked with Steve at Wildwood to get the Jazzmaster for our 20th last July. As it turns out the neck date is our 19th Anniversary!
I took a few weeks off of playing through the board with my Strats as I was Surfin with the Jazzmaster using only the SBEQ for lead boost and a fuzz. Lots of fun, but the 12s can be rough after a while, so I started cheating and am using a .20 plain for the G. I came back last week with a new appreciation for my BJFe's as I picked up a non-BJFe OD and it plain sucked, and after selling a few things I spreed on a LGW (and have a SHOD due here tomorrow (both used)) I just love the challenge and reward of figuring out Bjorn's pedals.
The Model H is killer and it loves to boost other pedals, but for how dynamic it is it prefers to see just the guitar or a SBEQ in front. I have been waiting on a CAF for about a month and have a PGC to sell/trade for one, but really need to finish a couple of songs along the way. I had a huge creative output about ten years ago and I am trying to get back in the groove, but sleep deprivation and feeling like a "shut in" with the kids can be a bit stifling.