Re: BJFE Tourbox '09

Fri Jan 16, 2009 1:40 am
by DocRock
I'm in a similar boat to some. I absolutely love the whole tourbox concept ... I even ran one about a year ago on TGP for Mad Professor. That said, I think I'm also going to have to sit out on this one because I have nothing I can contribute. The few BJF's that I do have are all "bread-n-butter" pedals that I can't afford to be without. If I donate anything, I won't be left with anything.
So I guess I'm just posting because I'd like to show my interest and support, while also explaining why I can't participate.
Re: BJFE Tourbox '09

Wed Feb 04, 2009 4:46 pm
by thiscalltoarms
hmmm,do we have any idea of the proposed duration of this box? I just moved my recording back to June, and I don't really use my SWF much outside of tracking studio and demos since the band I bought it for is on hold since November... I could contribute it as long as its back by say, end of April so I can have my last shot at the pre-production demos with a fuzz before we journey to either Nashville or L.A. to record in June... depends which producer we go with...
I'd love to try the new MP and cliff II, or even the SYOD(II), or maybe a BBOD (alas, the one that got away...). Actually, I'd be game for most anything, but newer things are more interesting. Oh and a Vibe (although I'd be afraid, cause I certainly can't afford one...)
Re: BJFE Tourbox '09

Wed Feb 04, 2009 5:22 pm
by Donner
well looks like we could have a Fuzz Box
Folk, SWF, PPF I could throw in the caf again or the Fire Red Fuzz ......