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Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:26 pm
by Donner
Hey Warmth, lets flip the box to JKoeth before it heads west......

Tue Jul 10, 2007 12:37 pm
by TheWarmth
Sounds good! I think I received it last Friday or so. I'll make sure it goes out no later than Monday the 16th. Send me the mailing address and the amount I need to insure it for. Thanks!

Sat Jul 14, 2007 11:57 pm
by Rollo Timbre
I'm late to the party, but if there's any room left, I'm game to try some Swedish delicassies.

Sun Jul 15, 2007 1:35 pm
by Donner
Rollo Timbre wrote:I'm late to the party, but if there's any room left, I'm game to try some Swedish delicassies.
Cool yeah we can work you into the 'ball ~~~
or maybe the second one which will also be in your area soon -
its the ' 3MP and a Mystoury ' ball

Sun Jul 15, 2007 2:24 pm
by Rollo Timbre
Oh yes, that does sound like fun. Thanks.

Sun Jul 15, 2007 10:09 pm
by JKoeth
Hey Donner,
I'd like to get in on the MP tourbox too. Will you make a new thread for that one?
Thanks for doing all this!

Mon Jul 16, 2007 10:46 pm
by Donner
yeah this is just t he signup thread , but it does need some organizing so it flows better.....

Mon Jul 23, 2007 5:18 pm
by Donner
ok, I stareted a new thread for t he MP3 Mystoury Meatball sign up

Mon Aug 06, 2007 10:04 am
by garyrogue
Just sent off tour box back to Donner. I did not know what the green and orange flame ones were, did not read post about what was included, also totally forgot they were coming. Day after I got home from vacation the package arrives and I could not figured out what I bought this time, until I opened it up, ah ha, the tour box.
Well after playing them I think the orange one is a booster and the green one is a OD. I search threads and, bingo I'm correct. Getting better at this.
I really really like the booster, that is very possbile buy in the future.
The green drive was nice, but I have some pedals to cover that.
The two Fetto's, well I prefer the Deluxe more, can really tweak it to liking. (plus I just received one, it arrived before vacation).
Booster is on my list.

Tue Aug 07, 2007 2:01 am
by waveydb
Is there room for another in this Tasty Tourbox?
I'd love to jump on...