i sold mine, but only because i had to, due to financial problems. and i was DYING to get a BBOD...which i did - but

for a LOT of money
70% of my gigs are blues/fusion and i was using the DRD and HB more often.
but it was SOOOO beautiful sounding thru my cowtipper and fender blues deluxe, and it absolutely kicked a** with a Budda amp i was using for a while.
however i rarely used it for leads. in that territory DRD and HB felt more comfortable for my playing style. but i used it A LOT for rhythm, from beatles-type sounds to americana a la doug pettibone. i always found that it is a clear, very open sounding pedal, even at high gain settings, especially compared to my DRD. funny because it is described as a "compressed" sound.
all i can say is i miss it....probably after the SWF i regret selling that one the most!!!! in 2007 i played almost all the rhythm tracks on an entire CD thru it. everytime i listen to that CD, i'm like: damn! it was a mistake to let that one go.