Build your own Folk Fuzz?

Fri Jun 08, 2007 6:16 am
by cabo
Just curious if anyone has made thier own Folk Fuzz? If so, was it hard to do? and how did it turn out?
I saw the schem and parts list is available over at custom sounds. ... emplate/33

Fri Jun 08, 2007 12:40 pm
by Donner
Right thats were it came from,
the circuit is there, of course t he magic is in the tweeking, but you can build your own...
there were a couple attempts to start a 'group build' of Folk Fuzzes maybe this would be a place to do it ....hmmmmmm

Sat Jun 09, 2007 4:05 am
by BJF
Here's a link to a DIY board thread were some built the Folk Fuzz De Luxe successfully. Deluxe Scematic present in the link. ... ic=43818.0
I'd say it's moderately easy to build and has a low partscount.
I don't have the resources to post the layout I use for the FF3.5% De Luxe,
but maybe someoneelse has.
Have fun

Thu Jun 14, 2007 4:21 pm
by cabo
Thanks for the info and link...So are there many non Deluxe Folk fuzzes around? I cant get the pics to show in the link,, is it just me?
Funny how the folk name came about if that is true...
I might give it a whirl later this summer when times more available. I know it will take me a while as I have hardly any experience in this. I took me a while on a BYOC.

Thu Jun 14, 2007 5:07 pm
by BJF
Hm no picture? The first post in the link shows a schematic for Folk Fuzz 3,5% Deluxe.
Actually I only made one Folk Fuzz 2,8% for the original article. This was made for FUZZ guitarmagazine.There were a few Folk Fuzz 3,5 % made with similar choice transistors. Later I made another article as a De Luxe version with some fancier transistors, tonecontrol and a few parts specified slightly differently also for FUZZ Guitarmagazine. I submitted the schematic for that to Craise to post onto the net and some of the DIY guys built their own at success.
I have been approched to submitt this for production by a pedal manufacturer, but I felt this would be more for people who want to build themselves and it's a noncritical circuit.
On Custom Sounds there is also a sample made with the very first Folk Fuzz 2,8% and it was made with lowgain, high voltage transistors the type used in pheripheral circutry in poweramps.
Yes the %- story is absolutely true.
Oh and the 3,5% Deluxe version of course goes to 11.
I'll see about posting the schematic onto this thread maybe also translate the whole article and what things can be fun to know about the circuit and options.
I think it's fun to see some actually building this circuit and thought the link might be helpful. Somebody made a layout and I helped correct that.
I have made a layout that I use when making Folk Fuzzes and if I can findout how I can post that too.
Have great fun

Thu Jun 14, 2007 7:29 pm
by cabo
Thanks for the history and clarification.
...was having some browser problems, I can see the pics .
It makes a bit more sense now.

Thu Jun 14, 2007 10:28 pm
by DocRock
Greetings, Herr Juhl!!!
Nice to see you 'round these parts. I think it would be great fun to build a Folk Fuzz, and I may yet try one day.
In the meantime, I must further practice my soldering skills by changing some guitar pickups.