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Fri May 18, 2007 9:02 pm
by OscrDGrch
I thought this might be fun to do: Does anyone know this pedal?
Here are pictures on my LGW. It used to belong to fatback. It has an LF353 installed. I can't find a serial number but it does have a cool Thumbs Up drawing.

Mon Jun 18, 2007 9:16 pm
by Donner
I just had a rather eye opening spin with an MP LGW, I hadnt been using it as much since I switch to a Greenback speaker, but for Rock now its an amazing all purpose crunchy dynamic drive , and take a pushing from the Mighty Red distortion very nicely, I was suprised how good really....hmmmm

Tue Jun 19, 2007 2:31 am
by huckleboogie
MP little green wonder no.0027 arrived at my house yesterday and i went straight to a gig using nothing else but the pedal with a peavey classic 30. tone heaven!!! really tubescreamerish with a little more grind...and very dynamic!!!
going on tour now and the LGW is gonna be tested with various amps...its all festivals so i'll have to use what they provide. my board already contains DRD>HB>DPD...I put LGW first in the chain and I'm curious how it will work pushing the DRD. its gonna be nice to check that setup with the various amps i will have to use.
like someone stated before, BJs pedals are like great expensive wines:-)

Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:43 am
by carlisle beauregard
I got a used MP LGW on Friday and I got to crank it up properly at a show on Saturday night. Wow. I was running this guy into an almost cranked SF Princeton pushing a Marshall 2x12 cab - and this is the OD I have been looking for forever! The amp has a nice light OD to it naturally at high volume and the LGW made it sound like a spaceship. It almost took off! In conjunction with my Reezafratzitz, I have my OD and distortion bases covered and I played a marshall for most of my life. Now I have everything from fender cleans to almost dual rectifier tones in a package that won't make me a hunchback (or more bowlegged than I am now). I got countless compliments on my tone particularly when using the LGW. Because people couldn't help but take notice. Because it sounded awesome. Congratulations to me!
Re: Little Green Wonder

Mon Feb 13, 2012 6:25 pm
by rockeroo
Reviving another dead thread...
LGW owners/users: Why do you like the LGW? What makes it special for you? What chip/rig do you use it with?
Those who did not care for the LGW (if any): Why was the LGW not your cup of tea? What chip/rig did you use it with?
I am VERY curious to hear about your experiences with the LGW. I recently purchased one and am going back-and-forth about my feelings. This is the first BJF I have really been on the fence about. Anyone want to push me over (either side)?
Re: Little Green Wonder

Tue Feb 14, 2012 1:17 am
by musicsoma
Still my favorite overdrive, especially stacked with a darker HBOD (nature knob at 8-9 o'clock) to add low end warmth. It does everything well.
I will say, I recently tried my LGW with a VOX AC15 and came to the conclusion I like it better with Fender amps. Just my opinion.
The LGW has great cut in a live mix but also retains the low and low-mids that I just love. It breaks up without getting mushy.
For you church players, Jeff Kunde from Jesus Culture has been using a MP LGW on his board for a while. Great tone!
Re: Little Green Wonder

Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:32 pm
by SteveA
The MP LGW was my first bjfe love. Incredible pedal. Would still love to have the BJFe. I used it with a fender DRRI at the time and i have to admit it was just an insanely good combo to me.
Re: Little Green Wonder

Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:35 pm
by SteveA
Its actually a little weird. There's another thread going on about the BJFe BBOD which I ironically didn't really appreciate on my rig (/13 EDT) and for me the LGW was killer. It's one of those things that comes down to your rig and preferences. I'm sure that if I had tried it with the right rig I would have loved it completely.
Re: Little Green Wonder

Tue Feb 14, 2012 6:41 pm
by rockeroo
SteveA wrote:Its actually a little weird. There's another thread going on about the BJFe BBOD which I ironically didn't really appreciate on my rig (/13 EDT) and for me the LGW was killer. It's one of those things that comes down to your rig and preferences. I'm sure that if I had tried it with the right rig I would have loved it completely.
Yeah. I am curious as to the WHY behinds people's pedal/rig preferences. With my set-up, I find myself to be a BBOD guy. I know others who play a similar set-up and love the LGW instead. I am curious about these differences. That's why I attempted to revitalize some of the older threads regarding the pedals -- expanding upon the on-going research of the pedals, whether or not the pedal(s) is in production.
For me and what I do, the LGW was quite boom-y to me. I could not seem to tame that effect to a point I considered reasonable. I even tried a few different chips. When I use the LGW, I run it at very low gain settings to avoid the heavy mid-range. Has anyone found a setting/chip combination they particularly enjoy?
Re: Little Green Wonder

Thu Feb 16, 2012 8:22 am
by Donner
what amp do you like it the best with ? - in your sig you have a whole range of amps ...
if its too boomy then yo probably want the body at noon or higher because it adds lowend to the left kind of like the HB ...
you can use different chips for different dynamics
I really like the BBOD into the LGW as the BBOD gives that stack a dynamic singing quality