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Mighty red distortion

Wed Dec 17, 2008 4:28 am
by williamh
I'm interested in one of these. I currently have a fetto(standard), and I was wondering how it would compare. I would be looking to replace it. I've been so impressed with my sky blue that I'm interested in trying out some more of the mad professor line. So anyways, anyone owned both the fetto and the mighty red distortion?
Re: Mighty red distortion

Wed Dec 17, 2008 9:45 am
by Eskimo_Joe
Hi williamh,
I've owned a Fetto Deluxe and a Might Red. I'm not sure if there is a difference between the Fetto Deluxe and the regular Fetto though. Anyway, the Fetto is is more modern sounding to me. The Fetto Deluxe was a bit looser sounding, and with a bit more hair if that makes sense. The MR is more focused and smoother IMO. The Mighty Red sounds like 80's metal / glam to me. Both are great pedals, just different flavors of Marshall-style distortion.
Hope that helps,
Re: Mighty red distortion

Wed Dec 17, 2008 11:36 am
by NewarkWilder
will, if you do move that fetto you should PM soli528 on TGP... he mentioned that it once belonged to him and he'd probably be interested in buying it back
Re: Mighty red distortion

Wed Dec 17, 2008 3:33 pm
by williamh
NewarkWilder wrote:will, if you do move that fetto you should PM soli528 on TGP... he mentioned that it once belonged to him and he'd probably be interested in buying it back
That was my plan if I decided to sell it(i'd seen his post on your thread). I'm still undecided on it at the moment. I like it pretty well.