Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:01 pm
by if6were9
I'm getting a CS-40 soon too. Federal Express has it now, it is due to arrive Tues. Jan 13th. I'll post on this board what I think of it once I've had it a few days. I have 3 cabs to try it with: a 212 THD with one of the origional THD-treated celestions and an Alnico Gold, a 412 '73 Marshall Basketweave with 4 great old 75hz G12Ms selected from this and two other cabs, and a 112 with a Two-Rock Eminance.
Anything you've discovered yet about the CS-40 that you'd like to share? Thanks
Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Fri Jan 09, 2009 2:28 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
if6were9 wrote:I'm getting a CS-40 soon too. Federal Express has it now, it is due to arrive Tues. Jan 13th. I'll post on this board what I think of it once I've had it a few days. I have 3 cabs to try it with: a 212 THD with one of the origional THD-treated celestions and an Alnico Gold, a 412 '73 Marshall Basketweave with 4 great old 75hz G12Ms selected from this and two other cabs, and a 112 with a Two-Rock Eminance.
Anything you've discovered yet about the CS-40 that you'd like to share? Thanks
WOW, you have one heck of an amp collection. I will be very interested to hear what you think of the MP, given that you have some of the most legendary amps ever made. I am a tweed lover myself.
Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Mon Jan 12, 2009 5:24 pm
by cabo
ahhh, just noticed the amp list too.
I would be interested in hearing which of those amps, if any, could have it sound replicated(or damn close)thru the cs-40?
Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Fri Jan 16, 2009 10:09 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
if6were9 wrote:I'm getting a CS-40 soon too. Federal Express has it now, it is due to arrive Tues. Jan 13th. I'll post on this board what I think of it once I've had it a few days. I have 3 cabs to try it with: a 212 THD with one of the origional THD-treated celestions and an Alnico Gold, a 412 '73 Marshall Basketweave with 4 great old 75hz G12Ms selected from this and two other cabs, and a 112 with a Two-Rock Eminance.
Anything you've discovered yet about the CS-40 that you'd like to share? Thanks
what do you think of the cs40?
Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Tue Jan 20, 2009 5:36 pm
by if6were9
Well I've had my CS40 for a week and here are some initial impressions.
1) This amp KILLS! It is big, heavy, and built like a tank (other amps seem like Yugo's by comparison). Amazing control set-up, amazing clarity, great tone, LOUD (or quite - both without losing the tone and clarity) ...amazing. Other amps seem like toys now: just like my cheapo classical guitar did after I got my first Martin acoustic years ago.
2) It will take a long time to learn which settings I like best - the amp offers so many combinations. It is overwhelming. Fortunately good tones are easy to come by. In 3-6 months I'll probably be better equipped to make some detailed recommendations. But here are some things I've already decided I like: I like the "Nature" control in back on "o" (the hollow "O") and the "Focus", in front, on the solid black "o", Tone Balance at 1:30, and then I tweak everything else starting from these settings.
3) Surprises? The amp really likes my '73 basket weave Marshall cab ...I thought I would prefer my THD cab with one Alnico Gold + one original 80W Celestion, or the Eminance in my Two Rock. But Noooo. This amp wants to rock! It is a sick overdrive beast. Every great old or modded Marshall tone is in there (and a lot more), but with more character, soul, balls, and clarity - and at any volume level!
What surprised me was that while I can also get great clean tones, I am having trouble getting great clean tones at high volume levels. Maybe when my boost pedal arrives (the seller forgot to ship it initially) that will solve this issue. I am very surprised by this since I assumed that this amp was designed to work great with a lot of pedals - which I am not sure it can do without a big loud clean tone. To be fair this is just speculation on my part. The amp sounds so good I have not even gotten around to trying any pedals with it!
Final comment: My amp has a very low (single digit) serial number, so maybe tweaks were made to newer CS40s. Also I don't know what tubes are in it or what condition they are in. I'll take it to my amp tech soon and see what he recommends. I will post more in a couple months once I've had more time alone with my new love. Cheers.
Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:00 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
if6were9 wrote:Well I've had my CS40 for a week and here are some initial impressions.
1) This amp KILLS! It is big, heavy, and built like a tank (other amps seem like Yugo's by comparison). Amazing control set-up, amazing clarity, great tone, LOUD (or quite - both without losing the tone and clarity) ...amazing. Other amps seem like toys now: just like my cheapo classical guitar did after I got my first Martin acoustic years ago.
2) It will take a long time to learn which settings I like best - the amp offers so many combinations. It is overwhelming. Fortunately good tones are easy to come by. In 3-6 months I'll probably be better equipped to make some detailed recommendations. But here are some things I've already decided I like: I like the "Nature" control in back on "o" (the hollow "O") and the "Focus", in front, on the solid black "o", Tone Balance at 1:30, and then I tweak everything else starting from these settings.
3) Surprises? The amp really likes my '73 basket weave Marshall cab ...I thought I would prefer my THD cab with one Alnico Gold + one original 80W Celestion, or the Eminance in my Two Rock. But Noooo. This amp wants to rock! It is a sick overdrive beast. Every great old or modded Marshall tone is in there (and a lot more), but with more character, soul, balls, and clarity - and at any volume level!
What surprised me was that while I can also get great clean tones, I am having trouble getting great clean tones at high volume levels. Maybe when my boost pedal arrives (the seller forgot to ship it initially) that will solve this issue. I am very surprised by this since I assumed that this amp was designed to work great with a lot of pedals - which I am not sure it can do without a big loud clean tone. To be fair this is just speculation on my part. The amp sounds so good I have not even gotten around to trying any pedals with it!
Final comment: My amp has a very low (single digit) serial number, so maybe tweaks were made to newer CS40s. Also I don't know what tubes are in it or what condition they are in. I'll take it to my amp tech soon and see what he recommends. I will post more in a couple months once I've had more time alone with my new love. Cheers.
Thanks for the review! What kind of speakers are you using in your Marshall cab?
Also, could you post a pic of your amp? I'm curious if the controls are the same.
Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:17 pm
I want one of these...but sadly, I don't have 5500 for a head

Re: Mad Professor Amp -- Discussion / Appreciation Thread

Tue Jan 20, 2009 6:34 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
BTBAM wrote:I want one of these...but sadly, I don't have 5500 for a head

I traded one of my amps plus cash for mine. Cash was raised in part by selling excess pedals. Based on your pic, it seems like it would be within reach if you are willing to make the trade off.
For the record, I've sold approximately 40-50% of my pedals over the last year. I don't miss them at all.

Much happier having fewer pedals (relatively speaking), and having my new LP and the MP amp instead.