nichcope wrote:Eskimo_Joe wrote:I think one of my sources of dissatisfaction is that despite the amp's versatility (and it is crazy versatile) it does not do a convincing tweed or classic blackface sound in my opinion. The amp can certainly do much more than most amps, but it can't do everything.
Maybe if I switch tubes / speakers that would get me closer?
Maybe try 6L6's and 12AX7 in the preamp section, I would guess that those would be your best bet for taking you into tweedville. Anyone played direct through the FX loop return to get the hidden Supro tone (this bypasses all controls except for boost and master volume)? If so, what do you think?
Thanks for the the tip!
Yes, I have played the secret channel and it rules! I think it's the best tone platform of them all actually.