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Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:07 pm
by nichcope
Could it be that this pedal is a creeper? Initial feedback was that it was a rig specific pedal. As of recent posts, lots who reviewed it (mainly in the tourbox) have LOVED it in comparison to the others and that's in a tourbox with the Model H! Since I got my SYOD, it's been my favorite BJF. Definitely some others in close competition and of course none that I don't like, but SYOD does take the cake for me! I wonder if it's just that everyone is using a darker amp who's commented on how awesome the pedal is recently or if it's actually more versatile than what the initial consensus was. For a pedal that had a little rig-specific mixed feedback initially, new feedback seems to all be super positive!!! Hmmmmm interesting.............

Tue Dec 02, 2008 10:41 pm
by NewarkWilder
I think you're onto something! I was definitely impressed as hell by it--biggest surprise of the tourbox for me by a longshot. I still don't feel that need to have one like I did with the SWF after playing it, but I could see myself picking one up down the line if the timing is right. Its one people should definitely not write off though.

Wed Dec 03, 2008 12:18 am
by DocRock
I cannot say enough good things about that circuit. I absolutely love it, and think that it could do a lot of things for a lot of people's rigs.


Wed Dec 03, 2008 2:37 am
by thiscalltoarms
NewarkWilder wrote:I think you're onto something! I was definitely impressed as hell by it--biggest surprise of the tourbox for me by a longshot. I still don't feel that need to have one like I did with the SWF after playing it, but I could see myself picking one up down the line if the timing is right. Its one people should definitely not write off though.
The way you describe how you felt about the SWF in the tourbox is exactly how I felt about the SYOD. I gigged it tonight and it got used SOOOOO much. core of my tone tonight was mostly HBOD with the SYOD kicked in at mid gain with the treble around 1oclock wherever my leads needed to shoot up past the rest of the band. it inspired me SO much, not sure if I've ever jammed like that before- soooo good. I favor dark and mid filled rhythm tones because I do ambient music with TONS of delay, so I'm always creating dark ambience and atmosphere- generally darker amp tones are more mystifying and ambiently interesting. but the SYOD can ripe right over the top in such a musical cutting way. Its kinda what I expected from the Eternity- everyone told me it would cut through over the top, but even with the glass knob up around 3oclock its mids overemphasize my amps mids. the SYOD is perfect for me.
Can anyone else tell I'm honeymooning?

Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:01 am
by mrpicard
Well, I have always thought that the SYOD was one of my favorites from day one. That thought has not altered at all.

Wed Dec 03, 2008 7:50 am
by Eskimo_Joe
What kind of guitars / amps is everyone playing through?

Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:27 am
by thiscalltoarms
These days I mostly play through a Budda Superdrive SD18combo- a very dark amp. In the studio I mostly play either my Orange AD30 (fairly dark also, but not even close to the Budda) or the other guitarists Vox AC30 on brilliant (the anti-dark amp). My main guitars are a G&L ASAT (a pimped out tele) with Single Coils and a Gibson SG. Mostly I'm using the SG right now, but I was all ASAT from July through November pretty much exclusively. Only in the last 2 weeks or so have I really started to use the SG as my primary guitar again.
I know Slim Henderson gave it rave reviews through his Soldano which he noted was a bit darker than the average fender. I wonder how it would work with Marshall type circuits? Mostly, I think the circuit might be too much in some inherently bright circuits- certain voxes or fenders. might be ok with marshalls I tend to think. I think it would work fine with the majority of amps as a brightly voiced drive- kinda the reverse of the HBOD. I don't think a more useful tone control is really necessary, but the fourth knob idea (cross between the SYOD and SOOD) might to help match the SYOD to the few problem amps and give a slightly larger audience- but perhaps its more of a set and forget knob- internal trimmer like the EGDM to reduce treble content?

Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:37 am
by Robapov
YEs! I would love love a cross between the syod and sood....mmmm i cant wait for the customshop to start up again!

Wed Dec 03, 2008 10:46 am
by NewarkWilder
it definitely shined through slim's soldano, when I had it on my own I was using my Traynor YCV50Blue which is a darker british style amp and the SYOD just cut straight through it. I'd love to give it a try with my new fender, I have a feeling it might be too bright, but if you're a one OD only kind of guy i'm sure you could do fine with a bright amp and a SBEQ or other decent treble trimmer.
honestly the jump from the traynor to the super reverb has been like going from a go-cart to a freaking hot-rod... everything sounds soooo much sweeter. Once the tourbox ends and my EGDM comes back to me it'll be very interesting to see how that sounds through the fender.

Wed Dec 03, 2008 11:34 am
by Bobby D
NewarkWilder wrote:it definitely shined through slim's soldano, when I had it on my own I was using my Traynor YCV50Blue which is a darker british style amp and the SYOD just cut straight through it. I'd love to give it a try with my new fender, I have a feeling it might be too bright, but if you're a one OD only kind of guy i'm sure you could do fine with a bright amp and a SBEQ or other decent treble trimmer.
honestly the jump from the traynor to the super reverb has been like going from a go-cart to a freaking hot-rod... everything sounds soooo much sweeter. Once the tourbox ends and my EGDM comes back to me it'll be very interesting to see how that sounds through the fender.
the SYOD made us BOTH smile
the 68 super is gonna make ALL your pedals shine more brightly.
and George can do some minor mods that will "darken" it slightly if you want that.....