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Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:15 pm
by EyeFly
If memory serves, BJ afforded the opportunity for each of the owners of the SYOD to "upgrade" to the Sparkling Orange Over Drive specifications. The Sparkling Orange was a mod that was circulated and found to be a bit less "trebly". As I recall, nobody opted for the mod which meant to me that everyone was pretty content.
I love mine and would not part company with it. I play through a THD Flexi 50 which is anything but a dark amp. The SYOD into the HBOD makes a good combination. I still like it solo as well. Don't be surprised if the honeymoon lasts for a good long while!!

Wed Dec 03, 2008 6:40 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
For me, the Sparkling Yellow was a bit bright initially, but after a while I was able to find the settings that worked for me. At the time, I was playing through single coils and a rig which didn't need help being bright, but now that I have a Les Paul, the SYOD matches up better. Really sounds great through the humbuckers.

Thu Dec 04, 2008 6:05 pm
by williamh
I owned the little purple overdrive for a bit, which is the same circuit as the syod in a different box. I used to use and orange ad30 and it was absolutely perfect in my rig. Honestly it kind of depressed me, as I was having trouble justifying keeping that pedal with the price I payed for it, but it just sounded TOO good.(note: the orange is an incredibly dark sounding amp)
I traded my orange for a dr. z maz 38, which is a very bright up, and the LPOD was gone within a week. It was just too bright and too much treble with the rig no matter how I tried to dial it in. I think it definitely prefers a darker sounding amp. I would love to try a syod only voiced for use with a brighter amp.
I'd also love to try the model R, but that's another story all together.

Thu Dec 04, 2008 7:37 pm
by Robapov
i too owned the little purple od but could not justify the price i payed for it went to another owner...i miss my SOOD though...traded that for a halophaze in my time of gas....ARG