LouderAndMore first impressions!

My LouderAndMore head arrived at 11am, I unpacked it & showed it to wifey, right away she says "wow, it's a little baby amp, cool, I really like the color"
I set it up running thru my Strat and a Port City OS 1x12 with an 8ohm WGS Green Beret. Fooled with the dials for minute, then set them all at noon & started playing while working the guitar volume.
Wifey says "I like it more than your other amps cuz it's not so loud!"
With all dials at noon there's alot of range, from semi-clean thru vintage bluesy grind to fairly gainy, but just above conversation or TV volume. Very cool...
Lot's of sustain, & very natural openess...
Then I plugged in the footswitch, dimed all the knobs & rocked!
Oh Yeah... The LouderAndMore can rock. Endless sustain, plenty of lows, mids & highs, & if you roll back your guitar tone, some very cool almost octavia ring moddish stuff happening! It's subtle tho, not over the top, but it's definitely there!
The cleans are very nice, but not huge & punchy like amps with higher power & much bigger trannies.
I like it!
More to come later...
I go play now...
I set it up running thru my Strat and a Port City OS 1x12 with an 8ohm WGS Green Beret. Fooled with the dials for minute, then set them all at noon & started playing while working the guitar volume.
Wifey says "I like it more than your other amps cuz it's not so loud!"
With all dials at noon there's alot of range, from semi-clean thru vintage bluesy grind to fairly gainy, but just above conversation or TV volume. Very cool...
Lot's of sustain, & very natural openess...
Then I plugged in the footswitch, dimed all the knobs & rocked!
Oh Yeah... The LouderAndMore can rock. Endless sustain, plenty of lows, mids & highs, & if you roll back your guitar tone, some very cool almost octavia ring moddish stuff happening! It's subtle tho, not over the top, but it's definitely there!
The cleans are very nice, but not huge & punchy like amps with higher power & much bigger trannies.
I like it!
More to come later...
I go play now...