BJF wrote:Hi,
The first L&M's are now all out there and I am most glad to note so many happy homes.
I wonder what questions this 3W amp brings?
Amps or any gear at all often give birth to questions......
and guitarists tend to use things in the nonintended way.............I know from my own experience;)
Thanks and have fun
Yes, we love questions, we may even answer in an unexpected way
As of today almost all amps have found happy homes (the one shipped to Australia took a long time but got to it's owner just before Xmas)
and I know they have made their owners equally happy as some of you were kind enough to tell me so in emails. Thanks guys for that, it really warmed my ticker.
Those who have missed or were unable to join the IPLAM Club (I Play LouderAndMore) at the time of it's inception have now an excellent opportunity: MakenMusic in Chicago grabbed the remaining 6 (2 combos
and 4 heads, all with FXLoop), they were delivered to their shop today.
Anyone going to Winter NAMM? I'll be there with a L&M head in Eminence booth.
A Tubewonder
and, if I'm not mistaken, a MP amp will be there too. Come by
and give all 3 a spin.
A Happy New Year to everyone