Re: LouderAndMore first impressions!

i must admit i have always craved for a double Candy apple fuzz pedal....mmmmm how nice any synthy fuzzy would that be!
wellllll this amp has made that sound a reality and more 3 demensional then i could ask for...pumping my 3 main pedals....
CAF->Mini Vibe->SBEQ
Into this little amp results in some suprising sounds!....from super saturated to almost ocatvish/ring mod esq handles these pedals really nice...even though i only have the CAFat this moment I am more then happy with the tones i am getting...i shall soon have a DAM Meathead, 1966, Buzzaround Clone
and an oracle fuzz!
I have also been having fun hitting a note (this thing has SUstaiN!) and turing the middle knob from smooth-> is a awesome tone control!
wellllll this amp has made that sound a reality and more 3 demensional then i could ask for...pumping my 3 main pedals....
CAF->Mini Vibe->SBEQ
Into this little amp results in some suprising sounds!....from super saturated to almost ocatvish/ring mod esq handles these pedals really nice...even though i only have the CAFat this moment I am more then happy with the tones i am getting...i shall soon have a DAM Meathead, 1966, Buzzaround Clone

I have also been having fun hitting a note (this thing has SUstaiN!) and turing the middle knob from smooth-> is a awesome tone control!