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Honey Bee and Power Cord

Wed Nov 12, 2008 3:22 am
by JimmyPageTone
This might sound like a stupid question but I'm paranoid about not hurting my precious Honey Bee so here goes...
The power cord must be a 9V? And are there any other parameters to consider when purchasing a power cord? I recently (and literally I might add) blew up a pedal by using the wrong cord so bare with me on this one...
Thank you for your time.
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:04 am
by mfolet
The voltage range is 7 to 15 volts.You have to make sure the polarity is correct positive sleeve and negative center.Alot of power adapters are the other way around.Good news is that with BJFE pedals if the polarity is wronge it will simply not work and not damage the pedal and will work when corrected.BJ recomends to go as high as 12 volts as there is no advantage to running higher voltage and give you a little piece of mind just incase your 15 volt adapter is putting out 16 or 17 volts.Gives you room for error.Polarity is important.On this pedal because it feels like an amp ,it will respond like an amp on a variac when you use different voltages 7v more sag and earlier breakup to 12v a little stiffer and clearer.I just went thru a bunch of adapters and I liked it best at 9v,the DRD at 7v was real cool for that Van Halen feel.I hope this helps.
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Wed Nov 12, 2008 10:33 am
by Bobby D
man......that post makes me want to get a better power supply with some variable voltage outputs......
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Wed Nov 12, 2008 8:59 pm
by Donner
yes mfolet is absolutelty correct .... and most distortions are effected by the voltage ... you can really dial in some variation just by adjusting t he voltage ---- most people know about higher voltage giving more headroom and clang..... but it works the other way -- going down will loosen it up and fill it out a bit... so many options...
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:21 am
by JimmyPageTone
Thank you very much. How does the battery compare then? I started a thread a while ago asking what the audible difference between a battery and a power supply is and people said there isn't any really. I was skeptical about that answer. Is a 9 volt the same as a 9volt power supply if you disregard the differences in quality?
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Thu Nov 13, 2008 10:35 am
by Bobby D
JimmyPageTone wrote:Thank you very much. How does the battery compare then? I started a thread a while ago asking what the audible difference between a battery and a power supply is and people said there isn't any really. I was skeptical about that answer. Is a 9 volt the same as a 9volt power supply if you disregard the differences in quality?
i find that many distortions and fuzzes sound better with CHEAP carbon batteries instead of alkaline batteries.
call me eric johnson, but it's true.....
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Thu Nov 13, 2008 4:52 pm
by JimmyPageTone
Bobby D, you're right that different batteries sound different. That's part of the reason why I can't accept that batteries and power supplies sound the same.
I'm definitely going to get a power supply for my Honey Bee because once the battery starts to die down, it loses so much of it's edge (and the battery doesn't last all that long). Now I'm just trying to figure out what voltage will work best for me. mfolet and Donner are definitely right about the different voltages so I might have to get a few plugs and experiment. I guess I could always return the rejects.
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:10 pm
by JimmyPageTone
What I really meant by my original post was also: do I need to look at AC or DC plugs and do I need to consider "mA"s etc.
Re: Honey Bee and Power Cord

Thu Nov 13, 2008 7:29 pm
by mfolet
The one I have been using is a Sony Brand AC power adaptor (AC-940)
input AC 120v 60hz 10w
output DC 9v 600mA
center neg.
You don't have to be too concerned on the mA because the pedal does not pull alot of current,Polarity is most important.AC to DC conversion.