Bought from ebay seller with nearly 100 feedback.
Emailed him for a WEEK trying to get tracking number.....nothing.
Then finally my mailperson brings me this small, thin package today.
"That can't be the EGDM" I thought, as I carried it inside.
The box was so thin that the knobs were pushing up against the box.
I took pics of the box and of me opening it, so you know that I am telling the real story here.
Then, when I get it unboxed, there is only a little bubble wrap around the pedal, no packing materials on the side of the pedal, so the whole way from California to Floirda the pedal is banging from side to side in the box during transit.
And, as I pick up the pedal, I can hear a parts loose, banging around inside the pedal. Now I have to open it up and see what got shook loose during transit.
I SHOULD return this to the seller.....but he is obviously someone who does not even deserve to own BJF.
I am very surprised at the way this turned out. I would not pack a BOSS pedal this poorly....