Re: hello BJFE fanatic here

thiscalltoarms wrote:Bobby D!
I listened to your myspace last night- sweet stuff, nice tunes. I'm stoked to see the pedal board you are building. Have you used the LGW to boost the DRD yet? Gorgeous combo man- such a singing lead tone.
I've been enjoying your posts, and I'm looking forward to see how you put all the pieces together for your board.
thank you TCTA!
the stuff currently on my myspace (therealbobbyd one) is from the 80s, when I was SHREDDING a bit......sort of satriani-like stuff. i put it up there to have an outlet for it, as my ambient music stargarden & LVX Nova have been a bit more "successful" in the biz......and also, as a memorial to my old bass player Les Talent -- he was amazing, and a lifelong friend who took his own life last year....another frustrated victim of the music biz who simply had lost his way, fell into depression, and hung himself. It still makes me sad......he was possibly one of the BEST bassists I have ever played with, and was even better than when I was playing with Mike Starr (Alice in Chains) -- another of my fave I keep a few of those songs up there in his memory......
I have tried the DRD into the LGW, but not the other way around yet.....I may change the order and put the DRD last in the "dirtbox" chain.....but I usually tend to use my main overdrive sound as my last dirtbox in my chain, and then stack the fuzz and dist into the overdrive......
it's such a joy to discover the tones in these pedals, however. I have spent MANY hours so far, just tweaking, playing, and enjoying them. There is a special, dare i say spiritual quality to the BJF pedals.
Maybe BJ and Eva are putting something special inside these.......maybe it's simply the LOVE that BJ has for good tone....
All I know is that in a week that has been filled with sadness, death, and loss.......these pedals have been a very bright spot in my life.