LGW Chip Question

Wed Oct 08, 2008 5:29 pm
by nibus
Little Green Wonder using TLC272 chip 5-12V; using LF353 chip 8-24V
I saw this in the voltage section. What's the difference between the LGW's with the TLC272 verses the LF353 chip? And what serial numbers apply to each? Tonal differences?
Re: LGW Chip Question

Fri Oct 10, 2008 12:01 am
by Donner
Well the LGW was born as BJs version of a Tube Screamer, of course it bear 'little' resemblance to an actual tube screamer - but one of its features is its high headroom low compression,,, so it feels very much like its connected to your amp - it originally came with the 383 .. BJ later decided it could break up a little sooner and have a touch more compression of its own and went to the 272

Re: LGW Chip Question

Tue Nov 11, 2008 12:41 pm
by Bobby D
sorry to re-open this thread, but Donner -- or BJ -- what was the cut-off serial number for the change???
not that it matters.....my LGW sounds GREAT.......just y'know....inquiring pedal geek minds want to KNOW these things

Re: LGW Chip Question

Tue Nov 11, 2008 1:48 pm
by BJF
I believe I did put up a thread on this but perhaps not on serialnumbers and at least the first 75 BJF LGW's came with LF353.
All LGW's, including the MP version, that btw is made just like the last BJF LGW's have a socket.
LF353 is a National Semiconductor chip and would be available from any electronic supply.
This chip combines a few things like low noise, low distortion and due to the construction of the input stge and the outputstage, actually the mere simplicity of those make for low distortion and ability to take temporary overload.
Have fun