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Candy Apple// New VS Old

Tue Sep 23, 2008 6:36 am
by voxdefiant
Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Tue Sep 23, 2008 12:26 pm
by Donner
Hmm not that I know of - tho fuzzes are one thing that have an individal personality and I dont think Ive ever heard two absolutely identical fuzzes ....
only the lettering color has changed black to gold ....
the CAF was the birthplace of the current shiny translucent paintjobs - it has been translucent Candy Apple Red from the first one so even the paintjob hasnt changed

Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Wed Sep 24, 2008 12:11 am
by mills
Yeah, I swear mine sounds different depending on the time of day, what's plugged into it, how I'm holding my guitar, what I'm wearing that day... So I imagine that it'd be pretty easy to get two units to not sound identical.
Although, everyone knows that the black lettering sounds better on these... too bad they don't make 'em like they used too.
Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Wed Sep 24, 2008 6:39 pm
by cabo
hmmm I thought I recently saw a black letter Caf with old red nitro paint for sale??
maybe it was translucent,,but im fairly certain it was nitro.

Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Thu Sep 25, 2008 10:26 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
cabo wrote:hmmm I thought I recently saw a black letter Caf with old red nitro paint for sale??
maybe it was translucent,,but im fairly certain it was nitro.

I think the one shown on musictoyz is nitro.
Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Fri Sep 26, 2008 8:37 am
by Donner
HA! yeah that pic on Toyz has been there forever, and I thought the same thing ..... I was suprised to find out it was translucent 'candy' colored as I thought the 3BOD was the first seethru at one time when we were talking aobut the Honey Bees concept .... pictures can be misleading.... but t he CAF has always been that see thru red - the lettering did change from black to gold tho
Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Sat Nov 01, 2008 11:43 pm
by emjee
I would say absolutely yes, and I speak from personal experience. I ordered a new one
and in the time I was waiting for it I bought one used on tgp. The used one I got was number fifty four, and it sounded just like the clips on utube. Then the new one came and it had a definite different sound to it. I didnt like the new one as much because it had a very pronounced "boing" to it. Not unlike a slight sitar "bounce" to it. I know it wasnt in my head because I had both units and a/b'd them side by side, so I know I wasnt crazy. I wrote to
..."first ones-except the #1 that was later changed has more fuzz. I shifted the range somewhat so it would be possible to access the low fuzz sounds, for something that does not quite resemble a guitarsound.
Max fuzz effect would be about the same though. So you're not going crazy (yet)."
Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Sun Nov 02, 2008 10:49 pm
by Donner
Ah cool, yeah I guess the knob settings would change with a range shift.....
this is one pedal I never had any problem jstifying keeping more than one as the settings can be worlds apart....
Im still amazed at how nice of a normal fuzz I get with fuzz dialed back to about 10oclock and the nature at 2 oclock..
Re: Candy Apple// New VS Old

Sun Nov 02, 2008 11:15 pm
by Bobby D
yes......i agree with you Donner -- the CAF is amazing, like having four fuzzes on one -- and I still need to spend more time dialing in different settings. It's a great fuzz, and I think I would like it more than the PPF or SWF.....