The H

Fri Sep 14, 2007 6:21 pm
by amphead777
Any positive update ? I gotta have one!!! This is serious

Re: The H

Fri Sep 14, 2007 7:46 pm
by Donner
amphead777 wrote:Any positive update ? I gotta have one!!! This is serious

Well as all the testing reports were mostly postiive - there will be a short Customshop run once BJ incorporates the feedback and decides what he wants to do with this model .. then we will see how that goes ... if your wondering - first dibs usually go to testors that took the time to write feedback reports and we will likely throw one to the wind for good luck (lottery)...but thats for another thread in the future....patience the customshop is as much about Research and Development as anything.....

Thu Oct 11, 2007 8:56 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
I've been very fortunate to borrow a Model H for a few days and it is simply unreal. It is just something else. This could potentially be my favorite BJF pedal. I'm bad at describing pedals, but it's just sick. It's ballsy distortion that retains it's dignity while at the same time kicking you where it hurts. If it were a drink, I think it'd be Jaegermeister.

Thu Oct 11, 2007 10:46 pm
by Robapov
Eskimo_Joe wrote:I've been very fortunate to borrow a Model H for a few days and it is simply unreal. It is just something else. This could potentially be my favorite BJF pedal. I'm bad at describing pedals, but it's just sick. It's ballsy distortion that retains it's dignity while at the same time kicking you where it hurts. If it were a drink, I think it'd be Jaegermeister.

ahhh how can i get so excited over something i know i cannot get my hands on!

Thu Oct 11, 2007 11:02 pm
by Donner
Robapov wrote:Eskimo_Joe wrote:I've been very fortunate to borrow a Model H for a few days and it is simply unreal. It is just something else. This could potentially be my favorite BJF pedal. I'm bad at describing pedals, but it's just sick. It's ballsy distortion that retains it's dignity while at the same time kicking you where it hurts. If it were a drink, I think it'd be Jaegermeister.

ahhh how can i get so excited over something i know i cannot get my hands on!
Weeeeellll there is a batch of Hs coming up and one will go in a nother drawing soooo ya never know

Mon Oct 15, 2007 12:30 pm
by EyeFly
Thanks for the YouTube comparison of the Model H and the Dyna Red; gives us all a bit of the "expectation" of this pedal.
Now you've got me!

Fri Oct 26, 2007 2:44 am
by Enjoyer
Where do I get in line?
Thank you for the most excellent reviews.
This appears to be a must have.
Re: A black little box (Model H )

Sun Oct 19, 2008 12:51 pm
by whiteelephant
I'm gonna bump this for a hopeful update on what you guys are stacking your H's with.

Re: A black little box (Model H )

Tue Nov 17, 2009 5:22 pm
by horsehead75
Well people,
this I gotta say. I got my H 2 loooooong weeks ago and today i had a chance to hit it.
Floored with OS21.
Simply tonal heaven.
Smooth, animalish, vulgar, driven but still controllable & great would be the words to describe it.
After Honey Bee & HB Dlx I havenĀ“t felt like this, like home. Done with search with overdrives. Period.
Highly recommend to try, buy & drool!
Re: A black little box (Model H )

Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:25 pm
by Bobby D
horsehead -- you got an OS21 amp????
you lucky dog
i am still haunted by that amp after playing it at summer NAMM