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Batteries vs. Power Chord

Tue Sep 09, 2008 7:09 pm
by JimmyPageTone
I am receiving a Honey Bee in the mail soon. I was wondering the following:
a) What is the audible difference with the HB and other BJFE pedals when using batteries vs. a 9V power chord.
b) Which batteries sound best for the HB?
Thank you everyone.
Re: Batteries vs. Power Chord

Wed Sep 10, 2008 11:05 am
by thiscalltoarms
I have never noticed a difference. That doesn't mean there isn't one in all cases, but I like my honey bee just much with batteries as plugged in. I have a VL pp2+, but I've had it on my small board before with a 1spot and i didn't notice any difference there either.
Re: Batteries vs. Power Chord

Thu Sep 11, 2008 11:43 pm
by Donner
right theres no real difference with batt/ac ............ but the distortions can get fatter and furrier as t he voltage drops on a dying battery - down around 6v can be very tasty.......
so maybe get an ac with a variable tap...
Re: Batteries vs. Power Chord

Sun Sep 14, 2008 1:58 am
by mrpicard
Donner wrote:so maybe get an ac with a variable tap...
You know, that would be quite handy to use to wind a pedal up to 18V as well... Maybe a variable AC power supply could make an excellent effects pedal in its own right? You know, use it to kick in and out different AC levels to existing pedals.
Re: Batteries vs. Power Chord

Sun Sep 14, 2008 11:17 am
by Donner
Yeah Ive always wondered about that, either having a loop that would change t he voltage - or like a volume pedal that varied the voltage.... both woud be cool not sure if that would damage the circuits...
Re: Batteries vs. Power Chord

Sun Oct 19, 2008 7:15 pm
by Eskimo_Joe
I used to have an Analagman Sunface and that thing sounded great with a dying battery. I wonder if anyone has ever thought of marketing dying batteries to musicians? You could probably even get a premium.

That's it, I'm contacting Energizer (St. Louis based).