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Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Thu Aug 14, 2008 8:56 pm
by Donner
Its seems t hat maybe the community forum should just be folded into this one sometimes or should it ??
Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Fri Aug 15, 2008 2:31 am
by mrpicard
Yeah, it is now a bit hard to tell what the differences is between the "BJFE Discussion" and "Community Forum". What would be useful is if we could separate and isolate the formal customshop pedals reviews in some way from everything else...
Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:10 am
by Donner
hmm good point, in fact I think I copied t he first SYOD thread to t he library,,,
where would they be most useful ??
Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Fri Aug 15, 2008 7:47 am
by mrpicard
It is a tough one. I thought once it would be good if there was a "BJFE Research and Review" forum that only had reviews of BJFE pedals in it. The problem is that it would require a lot of monitoring to make sure that the forum only had BJFE pedal reviews in it (otherwise the information is lost). Maybe the best way to achieve that is to put a block on that one forum so that only you can create a new thread but once that happens anyone can add comments to that thread. I mean, anyone can create anything they like in the other forums so I don't think it would be a problem if one forum was extremely controlled...
Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Fri Aug 15, 2008 9:29 am
by Donner
yeah Im mostly interested in how people use the forum info
and also ease of participating.... sometimes it works best just to have all the current streams running together so people donthave to look at 3 different forums...... but then it can also get hard to find what your looking for
maybe merge the community and open a custom shop/research area ???
I guess that would stilll be different from the Folk Forum

Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Fri Aug 15, 2008 4:57 pm
by nichcope
I must say I'm a fan of having the seperate Community and BJFE forums. I think that having the forum titled 'Community Forum' is nice because we are a kick ass community. That forum recognizes that fact and it gives us a special place for our random communal questions and thoughts. Then when we want to get down to business, we know where to go and with a couple clicks we're right in the BJFE forum. This is not to say that I'd be upset if you changed things up, I mean if you did and it didn't seem to work we could always go back, right? I also like to click things on computers, so that could be another reason that I want to keep things the same....... more forums = more things to click

Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Fri Aug 15, 2008 6:32 pm
by NewarkWilder
i voted yes for one reason... i run a smallish board myself and keeping your most active boards together, as long as they can still function probably and everybody can find what they are looking for, tends to make things move a little faster and people check in more often and generally promotes more activity. of course im new here so im not the person to judge the activity level--but from my experience, people like to see a faster moving board. just not too fast

Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:06 am
by Donner
right I was thinking BJFE Community Discussion Forum ... priority on BJF stuff but also having the community ~ speaker polls etc ~ in the same place so its more like a community and the nice group of folks we have here can develop more as a group...
and maybe adding t he research threads to t he library after they are finished....
just thinking outloud here - keep the opinions coming......
Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Sat Aug 16, 2008 11:08 am
by Cobra
I really like the community here, but I think keeping them separate is better. I also think it would be cool to have a few more categories, such as guitars, amps, other pedals, etc... For me, it's easier to find threads I'm looking for when they're in specific categories...
Re: Merge Community Forum with BJFE Forum ??

Sat Aug 16, 2008 10:25 pm
by emjee
I voted to keep it the way it is. The reason being that having one forum for pedals and seperate one for non-BJF related topics is the easiest way (at least for me) to navigate around the site. I think the BJFE forum is perfect the way it is, though a seperate forum for up and coming BJF stuff (or maybe just customshop stuff) might be helpful...just MHO.