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Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:00 pm
by emjee
tourbox went out via ups to Donner on Monday 12/8...thanks!
Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 2:40 pm
by NewarkWilder
fun fun fun.
thanks for letting me be a part of this everybody.

Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 3:46 pm
by Donner
cool then, they should all be home for the holidays !!
Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 5:43 pm
by emjee
TONE. That's what its all about, right? Really though, to everyone who put in, thank you so much. I really enjoyed being able
to listen to the pedals that I've always wanted to try but couldnt. And what BETTER way than to be able to try them with your own guitar and amp? You cant do THAT at GC! As I said before though, they're all great, but the one I really liked was the SYOD. I like the versatilty of it because its like having a treble booster and an OD unit that has a very unique voice in it's own right, with just the right amount of gain. Would suggest this one for a production. The CAF I own and the one Donner sent sound different. Mine has more fuzz to it and is brighter. I hate to say it, but I like mine much better. I did a side by each comparison
and a/b'd them, started by putting the volume, Nature at nine oclock, and the fuzz completely off. Mine didnt have any sound at all at this setting, but Donners was quite audible. I also have a Model H I recieved while waiting for the tourbox, and I a/b'd them as well, both sounded identical. Classic hiwatt. Another definite keeper, second only to the SY.
Not real impressed with the SWF, and being a fuzz FREAK I was surprised. I guess I'm spoiled for choice. EGDM wasnt as thick sounding a I expected, nor did it have the amount of gain
I was hoping for. Again, I guess having the Cliffhanger makes me spoiled, because the CH has gain for days, and also a ton of upper-mids that knock me out. So I guess that about wraps it up. Again you guys THANKS!
Matthew G
Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 6:24 pm
by lefte118
thanks all for participating. hopefully we can do this again sometime.
Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 9:32 pm
by thiscalltoarms
Once again, thanks to everyone that helped put this on, and to Donner for letting me be a part of this and leading this forum.
I also agree that I think the SYOD should go into production. Its distinctly different from anything else in production currently, like in the whole pedal industry. its kinda what I realize now I was hoping the Eternity would be (I know, rediculous, go figure). its like the bright sparkly counter part to the HBOD. Thats my main stack right now- HBOD into SYOD. sooooo good...
Let's see, what did I learn in this process- I like the EGDM for chords and rhythms but not for leads as much, I love the SYOD, the SWF is perfect for me and the CAF (while cool) isn't something I'd use too often. I'd be interested to hear the tonal differences between the AWF and the SWF as I was one of the reviewers that thought the SWF would benefit from a bit more treble. I wonder if this additional treble in the AWF would take away some of the structuring of the gain that I find so appealing though... The Cliff Hanger was awesome, but I had the wrong idea of what it would be like and it didn't fit my expectations at all (way toothier and more biting and less heavy than I expected). I got the feeling the CH would have grown on me over time. and the Model H- I must admit that I feel I never really "got it" with that one. I think perhaps I was trying so hard to make it fit into my rig that I missed its particular voice and what it was trying to communicate. I'd love a second shot with one of those sometime, and mess with more in a one on one fashion instead of adding it to the masses of overdrives/fuzzes/distortions I was comparing all at once.
I had a blast with this experience and I was always excited for others to review the box and listen to them talk about the pedals which are still fairly fresh in all of our minds. seriously sweet experience.
Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Wed Dec 10, 2008 11:25 pm
by Donner
Well sounds like everyone had a fairly positive experience........
we can start another one in a while and see if there is interest and what we can round up
maybe all the fuzzes or something...
Re: BJFE Tourbox 10/08 (SYOD/CAF/CH/EGDM/MH/SWF)

Fri Dec 12, 2008 9:10 pm
by Donner
Got the tourbox today !!!
would the owners of the
EG,swf and H e me thier mail addys sometime t his weekend ???
thanks again y'all !!!!!