MP DBD vs. Analogman Delay

I just bought a DBD yesterday at Make'n Music here in Chicago and had a little time yesterday during breaks at rehearsal to AB it with the Analogman Delay. I found most of the differences fairly obvious:
Delay time ~ you only get about 300ms of delay with the AM, while the DBD offers twice as much at 600ms.
Cleanliness ~ The hybrid analog/digital format of the DBD allows it to stay extremely clean as the delays decay and the tone is nice and defined. The DBD is very impressive in this way. However, I wouldn't say that it's a problem with the AM. The tone of the AM is a bit darker, but I haven't found that that bothers me.
Construction ~ the DBD feels sturdier and I have to admit I like the standard switch as opposed to the Boss version that the AM utilizes.
Cost ~ I was afraid that I wouldn't find the difference in cost for the DBD worth it in comparison to the AM, but they are quite different delays and I think the DBD will prove very popular, despite the $350 price tag. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend either one, but it's just a matter of what you're looking for and how much you want to spend. You can't really go wrong with either one. It's really cool that some of our favorite builders are putting out delays this year, as I felt it was something the boutique market was lacking.
Delay time ~ you only get about 300ms of delay with the AM, while the DBD offers twice as much at 600ms.
Cleanliness ~ The hybrid analog/digital format of the DBD allows it to stay extremely clean as the delays decay and the tone is nice and defined. The DBD is very impressive in this way. However, I wouldn't say that it's a problem with the AM. The tone of the AM is a bit darker, but I haven't found that that bothers me.
Construction ~ the DBD feels sturdier and I have to admit I like the standard switch as opposed to the Boss version that the AM utilizes.
Cost ~ I was afraid that I wouldn't find the difference in cost for the DBD worth it in comparison to the AM, but they are quite different delays and I think the DBD will prove very popular, despite the $350 price tag. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend either one, but it's just a matter of what you're looking for and how much you want to spend. You can't really go wrong with either one. It's really cool that some of our favorite builders are putting out delays this year, as I felt it was something the boutique market was lacking.