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Folk Fuzz Build (discussion/Poll)

Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:40 pm
by Donner
There is a group moving towards making PCBs and even kits of BJs published Folk Fuzz schematic/circuit
Im curious how the BJFE community feels about this...
you are welcome to voice opinions for and against here....
(you can vote as many poll options as you like and you can change your votes later if you like)
Re: Folk Fuzz Build (discussion/Poll)

Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:08 pm
by mills
I think I've probly already more or less expressed my thoughts, but I think that getting PCB's made and discussing parts, mods, results, and all that on here would be fun and we'de all learn something. Pictures and troubleshooting and sound clips when things get up and running would make for a great thread IMO.
I'm a little torn about the kits though... on the one hand, sourcing parts is part of the process, but then we could just as easily all order everthing from smallbear and the end result isn't that different. But, if there are people that actually want to learn a little and not just get a cheap BJF designed pedal, providing most of the parts makes a first build a lot less intimidating. I think that having a layout/pcb makes it a paint by number's kind of thing anyway, so is it really less paint by numbers if you have to find your own paint?
So, I guess my stance so far is that we'll have a mix of people just wanting a cheap flok fuzz, and some that just want to play around with building a pedal and this was a cool place to start... so, unless we hear from bjorn that a PCB + most of the parts is a bad thing, I'm willing to just go with it to get the ball rolling. Hopefully the regular member's here are looking for more than a cheap BJF pedal, but I guess we'lll see. However, should we end up with an overall tone of disaproval, I'm content to step back and let tgp do with the schematic/pcb's/etc as they want and do my own thing without their layout/pcb.
Re: Folk Fuzz Build (discussion/Poll)

Sun Aug 10, 2008 5:03 am
by BJF
My stance is that this could be fun and yes I understand that having a ready pcb makes things easier and so would a ready kit.
I will have no finacial interest in this though and the builds are your own, but I will offer help on how to get the most outof this to those interested in exploring the fun parts of building a fuzz pedal.
I hope you will put your own markings on these fuzzes and be proud of having built something that both sounds good and looks good.
Per definition these cannot be BJF pedals since I have not built them, but I will help and assist in anything needed.
What you will get is a fuzz pedal you have tuned by your own ear and something personal.
I am afraid you might also find out that building pedals isn't that cheap either, but hope that that will not discourage you.
I can help with the parts list and selection of parts and maybe also with suppliers but we shall see.
I am not interested in selling kits for this but suggest those interested work something out.
How about you all find out how many are interested and elect someone to buy the parts for the kits and you might get somewhat better prices. I'd think also Nic of NOC3 would like to know how many pcb's are needed.
Please keep this a fun project and let the fun commence
Re: Folk Fuzz Build (discussion/Poll)

Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:55 am
by Cobra
Thanks so much Bjorn, for weighing in with your feelings on the Folk Fuzz kits, and your generous offer of support & tuning expertise! Anyone interested in building the kits couldn't ask for more than that! I for one, am looking forward to the experience, as well as the experiences of others! I predict it will be much fun, but also a great learning opportunity...
Re: Folk Fuzz Build (discussion/Poll)

Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:26 am
by Donner
Ok we a re going t o get behind this here either in a concentrated post or a sub forum...

Re: Folk Fuzz Build (discussion/Poll)

Sun Aug 10, 2008 12:03 pm
by Donner
Ok here we go ... Folk Forum is now open