Re: What tones are you still chasing ?

Thu Jul 24, 2008 11:05 pm
by Donner
hmmm what does occur to me, from talking about Leslie faking and stereo minivibes and using two pedals to get the Leslie sound....
I bet having both settings on the Two stomp would be an interesting leslieish sound ....
have t he full cup low speed as the low rotor and the smaller cup higher speed as the high rotor
rather than switching between --- it would be both.............. that might require having almost a second vibe circuit ~~~~ hmmmmm
Re: What tones are you still chasing ?

Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:01 pm
by mrpicard
Donner wrote:mrpicard wrote:....and, just to complete the ADT/flanging/phasing/chorus idea...I reckon that the pedal should also include the reverb part of the STEED approach (as outlined above) to complete all the features you would ever want from a serious modulation device. If not, there must be some way that you can send the signal to an external reverb device to complete the STEED circuit.
well with the reverb it probably wouldnt fit in the little boxes anymore

I have more information on how one could recreate the STEED. Being curious, I contacted Mr Skreddy (Marc Ahlfs) to find out how the STEED effect could be simulated using his new Echo pedal (the one where BJ provided some help). He advised the following:
"Sure; just put another echo and/or reverb into the delay-line loop. The device in the loop would have its own mix controls etc. to send as much "dry" signal back into the receive jack and would create its own echos and reverb on top of the delays that the Skreddy Echo created. One of the first things we tried with the Echo was put an old analog delay in the loop. Multi-tap, multi-regen wildness. But any other delay, basically, that has a dry out and a wet out could be used in the loop, set to a short delay, with the reverb following the wet out. Then you'd need a 2-to-1 mixer to bring those signals back into the single receive jack of the Skreddy Echo. That's if you wanted to duplicate the STEED effect's exact signal"
So, that should be a fun thing for people to try

Re: What tones are you still chasing ?

Sat Aug 09, 2008 4:17 pm
by NewarkWilder
I'd say the tone I'm still chasing... the tone in my head but thats not yet come out of my amp... is somewhere inbetween my Frantone Cream Puff's lush, washy wall of soft fuzz, my Pink Flesh's sheer power, and the Honey Bee's dynamic touch. Lush and soft is sort of the key, but still with a rich and dense sound... not overly muff-life but in that direction I guess. But something you could hit a chord hard on and have the fuzz ring out for days while your picking dynamics still stand out in the mix and retain their richness and depth.
Some people might simplify this down to "smashing pumpkins" type sound, and thats kinda close, but something with a little more bite for a little more oldschool sonic youth kind of sound too. Maybe thats a contradiction but its tough describing something you're imagining but have no actual point of reference to say "here, this is what it sounds like," hehe.