There are a number of tones that I can get but they require lots of hard work to achieve. I have always wished for individual pedals that could make the whole process easy; at present I have to use a few pedals and play around a lot. Here is what I have always been after:
1. An pedal that simulates tube distortion, is pick dynamic but does not color the tone at all. Most pedals change the tone in some way but hardly any pedal guarantees that the output frequency response curve was the same as the input frequency response curve.
2. The bright, crunchy, distorted rhythm guitar sound from The Beatles song "Taxman".
3. The bright, crunchy intro and lead guitar tones in the song "All Your Love" on the "Blues Breakers" Mayall/Clapton album.
These last two are simple tones but they are actually quite hard to achieve, probably because they are simple. A commonality is very bright, clean, crunchy; kind of like a brighter SYOD with more crunch.
Something else weird I have been interested in for a while, and so have a lot of other people, is something that combines the Vox MRB circuit with a Fuzz. That is a fascinating sound and there are no pedals out there that do that. Old school but I know there is demand just look at all the people asking for it on the D*A*M and Vintage Amps forums.
While I am on the subject, one pedal that combines tube amp-like distortion with a fuzz pedal. This would be a two stage design so that the fuzz circuit feeds into an amp-like distortion circuit. You could have "Gain" controls for each circuit and the "Nature" control would be used as a mixer between the fuzz circuit and the distortion circuit. Actually, now that I talk about this I reckon that this pedal could be pretty damn amazing. Can I order one, plus the ones above of course

I better stop as I can easily generate lots of ideas...