nichcope wrote:Was just hanging with Josh who plays in the Crash Motive ( He's playing bass on an EP I'm recording next week and when we were done running through some songs, he played his bass through my BJF board. Some of these pedals sound ridiculously nasty with Bass!!!!!! We tried about 10 different BJFs and of all of them two were just mind blowingly good.........Cliff Hanger and Candy Apple Fuzz. CAF gets some seriously mean sounds a la the band Muse. The
Cliff Hanger is just as amazing for bass as it is for guitar. We didn't really hear much in the way of any low end loss at all and it just sounded amazing all around for a bass distortion pedal. Amp used was a Trace Elliot 1210 combo and I think he was playing a Fender p-bass. The CH is a super hero of a pedal. If there was a fight, the Cliff Hanger would definitely kick the Joker's ass!!!!! Interestingly enough, I also liked the sound of the Sparkling Yellow OD with bass......not as amazing as the CH or as crazy as the CAF, but definitely good.
That's something that I was probably better off not hearing.

Something else I'd love to try, but usually high gain means loosing your lows so I assumed it wasn't the best option. I'd been reading a bit about the SWF being low end friendly and my ears perked up a little too...
I was amazed at the CAF on bass too. Lots of fun sounds, even though there's a bunch of settings that aren't really low end friendly. Those'd be great for soloing or cutting through. And the settings that keep the bass make for some really nice, easy to use fuzz. I actually liked the pedal on bass more than guitar at first. It wasn't quite enough of what I was looking for to kick the wooley mammoth off my board as a bass fuzz, but its more fun to play around with.
I'm really looking forward to trying out a model H on bass... voxdefiant, when you say you had a hard time telling if the bottom dropped out or not, I would guess that means if there's some loss of lows its not really serious or is that not quite right? That 73 tele bass should have a nice hefty low end on it! Also, Just watched that clip, what amp/pedals were you using for the distortion tone there?