Any BJF Pedals On The Shelf?

No, I'm not looking for "In Stock" BJF's, that be crazy talk. I'm probably talking about something even crazier...
Do any of you have BJF pedals in hibernation? If so, which pedals and why?
I'm considering taking my Tea Green EQ off the board to give me the space and power capacity to try other pedals out, Micro Pog lust! I can live without it live most of the time thanks to the Body control of the PGC and the smoothing Alnicos in the AC30.
I might occasionally tag it onto the end of my chain at home though, to give me control over my pedalboard's volume to the amp. Other than that and some recording duties, it will be in semi-retirement for a while.
This is as much a testament to the PGC as anything detrimental about the SBEQ, but I know that you guys with many, many pedals must have some kind of rotation thing happening. Tell us about it, makes us sick with envy!
Do any of you have BJF pedals in hibernation? If so, which pedals and why?
I'm considering taking my Tea Green EQ off the board to give me the space and power capacity to try other pedals out, Micro Pog lust! I can live without it live most of the time thanks to the Body control of the PGC and the smoothing Alnicos in the AC30.
I might occasionally tag it onto the end of my chain at home though, to give me control over my pedalboard's volume to the amp. Other than that and some recording duties, it will be in semi-retirement for a while.
This is as much a testament to the PGC as anything detrimental about the SBEQ, but I know that you guys with many, many pedals must have some kind of rotation thing happening. Tell us about it, makes us sick with envy!