Here's an interesting theory supported by some Christians and various references in the Bible -- I will try not to bore you with all the details, but here are the main points:
( 1 ) In
Revelation 8:1, it reads that after the "seventh seal" had been opened, there was silence in heaven for the space of a
half hour. After this half hour ends, the "end of the world" commences, ie, "thunderings, lightings, earthquakes" etc.
( 2 ) Many Christians interpret the "seventh seal" as being the
year 2000 -- (1st seal 5000 BC, 2nd seal 4000 BC,... 6th seal 1000, 7th seal 2000 -- various scriptural references)
( 3 ) Some Christians believe (again, through various scriptural references) that:
1 day of God's time = 1000 years of man's time---- thus, 1440 minutes of God's time = 525,600,000 minutes of man's time = a ratio of 1440 / 525,600,000
---- thus, man's time is 365,000 times "longer" than God's time
( 4 ) Using this formula, (
1:365,000) the
half hour of silence ends up equaling
20.83 years, thus equaling the year
2020.8, ending up sometime in September - October of the year 2020.
So there you have it, the end of the world will be sometime in
September or October in the year 2020.
We still have 12 years, there's time to party after all!!

And think what an amazing party I would have if I had a Model H to rock out with!!