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Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Tue Jul 15, 2008 11:47 pm
by Jagattack
Count me in for two boards - better get two in case I destroy one of them!
Or, hopefully I'll just make two different versions.
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:09 am
by mills
So, it sounds like jfromel at the gear page is willing to throw an order in for some PCB's whatever else he would have been ordering otherwise.
I volunteered to keep a tally going, so if anyone wants in... send me a PM here, or to jucas on tgp.
Hope to see some great, personalized pedals come out of this if it gets off the ground!
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:41 am
by Cobra
I'm in for 2 Folk Fuzz kits... PM sent over on TGP...
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sat Aug 09, 2008 8:47 am
by Donner
yeah thats cool, Ive been thinking about organizing something around this here , and not sure which way to go ....
Part of the point of a DIY is to Do It Yourself! and if it gets too easy to the point of simply buying a kit , then the point is lost .....
but it would be fun to track each others progress and have group help.......

Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sat Aug 09, 2008 11:31 am
by mills
Yeah, I agree about a kit starting to get away from the point of the DIY process... but then, even with everything supplied, there's still going to be lots of troubleshooting and figuring out how things work to fix them.
So hopefully we haven't lost bjorn's blessing when the fellow at tgp decided to offer pcbs with or without components.
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sat Aug 09, 2008 12:18 pm
by Donner
yeah thats up to BJ of course......
It seems like the phrase DIY now means 'get something cheap'
I would be curious of t he motives of those wanting to pursue this project ....
Do they think they will have a pseudo-BJF pedal that they can resell for a profit ?
Are they doing it for the 'educational experience'.......
hmmmm this might make a good separate thread/poll.....
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sat Aug 09, 2008 1:41 pm
by Cobra
I'm interested in the Folk Fuzz kits for a couple of reasons: FIrst, since it's designed by Bjorn, you know it's solid from jumpstreet. 2nd, I'm a rank rookie at building pedals, so I'm looking for a project that's pretty easy to do, hopefully with support from those with experience, and others doing the build too. For me, doing a scratchbuilt pedal from the ground up would be daunting, and would take way too much time, so the kits makes sense to me, & has the potential to be alot of fun! Splitting hairs about what defines DIY aside, I have no interest in pedalbuilding as a career, or designing circuits or PCB's. But a project like a Folk Fuzz kit definitely has my attention. From what I understand, Bjorn has no problem with it, but please correct me if I'm wrong... I always thought of the Folk Fuzz circuit design as Bjorn's gift to pedal users in the form of a fun project for those so inclined. Otherwise, it would've ended up as a part of his regular pedal line-up, & gooped as a proprietary circuit. Those that have bought custom shop Folk Fuzzes paid for a handwired pedal by Bjorn himself, in a custom painted enclosure, not to be confused with a PCB kit build, by joe blow weekend project guy. If any are sold on the open market, the market will determine price. Would you pay BJF custom shop prices for a kit build? I sure wouldn't...
BTW, our own Craise started the thread on TGP in Feb of 2006, & it has almost 90 posts in it.
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sun Aug 10, 2008 4:44 am
by BJF
Well I hope people shall have fun building the Folk Fuzz and I think it is very nice of Nick at NOC3 offering the pcb's.
I have posted a link above to the TGP thread and did so as I thought it could be a fun thing for this forum.
Right, the Folk Fuzz is a DIY thing allthough I have been asked to build a few of those now and then.
I believe I can offer support if anyone gets stuck in building and also offer some hints and tweaks.
I have done so at other sites were interest have flared.
I have also requested at atleast one time that this Folk Fuzz thing be just a DIY and not taken up by any other manufacturer allthough it would not be the end of the world if it was.
Anyway I hope everyone interested in this DIY project shall find it fun and rewarding and this is a noncritical circuit that would work for the most time the first time around and I will answer questions about the building on this section of the forum but in the dedicated thread.
Oh, the Folk Fuzzes I have built are not gooped- hardly much of a point I'd say. Of course anyone interested in making their own pcb can use the layout I made. I cannot post any pictures of that at this point though
Gentlemen have great fun
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sun Aug 10, 2008 8:51 am
by Cobra
Thanks so much Bjorn, for weighing in with your feelings on the Folk Fuzz kits, and your generous offer of support & tuning expertise! Anyone interested in building the kits couldn't ask for more than that! I for one, am looking forward to the experience, as well as the experiences of others! I predict it will be much fun, but also a great learning opportunity...
Re: Links to BJF discussions on TGP

Sun Aug 10, 2008 11:25 am
by Donner
Yes this should be big fun and educational !!!
We are seeing about moving the whole thing here where BJ and others are free to help witout getting 'warnings' and such
Im not sure whether to just concentrate this all in a single thread or even make it its own sub forum that could include other DIY thingies like ABY boxes and opamp selection