Where Better To Share This? (BJFE Content)

How this came into my posession is a rather long story, one that serves to illustrate how helpful Bjorn can be to his customers, but I'll skip that stuff for now and get straight down to business...
Here's what BJ told me about it...
What else can I tell you about it? Well, as DocRock will testify, the LPOD is an overdrive in the classic BJFE vein. When I first plugged it between my Tele and AC30 I was reminded of both the DRD and EGDM, it has the bite and chime of the Emerald Green, but with the more neutral midrange of the Dyna Red. It is also wonderfully dynamic, as are all of Bjorn's pedals. There is little compression compared to EGD & HBOD for example, it's more open than even the DRD if memory serves correct.
In short it's turning out to be a great rhythm overdrive in my set up. The treble control seems to zoom in and offer precise control over a certain window that proves itself very useful for guitar. There is enough gain to get crunchy, perhaps equal to somewhere above noon on the DRD, if I had to compare from memory. It strikes me as sounding very "British" and has reminded me very much of some of my favourite Hendrix album tones, that raw and open rhythm sound that Jimi exploits so well with single coils... a very purple tone indeed.
Big thanks to Donner too, for the excellent box design, insight and assistance!

Here's what BJ told me about it...
The LPOD is actually the same circuit as the Amber OD that Doc Rock has and something I made to go well as a rythm OD in conjunction with DRD, and have been meaning to make one for myself also- especially now when I realize there's no real OD in the BJF line- this one I enjoy by itself and combining with DRD for a natural sequence of three distorted sounds.However I always want to be sure and test things well before adding a new model. We can say this is a prototype.
What else can I tell you about it? Well, as DocRock will testify, the LPOD is an overdrive in the classic BJFE vein. When I first plugged it between my Tele and AC30 I was reminded of both the DRD and EGDM, it has the bite and chime of the Emerald Green, but with the more neutral midrange of the Dyna Red. It is also wonderfully dynamic, as are all of Bjorn's pedals. There is little compression compared to EGD & HBOD for example, it's more open than even the DRD if memory serves correct.
In short it's turning out to be a great rhythm overdrive in my set up. The treble control seems to zoom in and offer precise control over a certain window that proves itself very useful for guitar. There is enough gain to get crunchy, perhaps equal to somewhere above noon on the DRD, if I had to compare from memory. It strikes me as sounding very "British" and has reminded me very much of some of my favourite Hendrix album tones, that raw and open rhythm sound that Jimi exploits so well with single coils... a very purple tone indeed.

Big thanks to Donner too, for the excellent box design, insight and assistance!