Doc, I do hope to get some clips together, but for now my trusty old four track is warbling and warping any tape that goes near it.
I suppose it has been time to upgrade for some time, I might even drag myself kicking and screaming into the digital age!
JKoeth, I still own and use PGC, MGMV & SBEQ on a daily basis, with the newly acquired LPOD of course. In an ideal world I would dearly love to have HBOD, EGDM etc all here for home use, should the whim take me. Perhaps one day I'll be fortunate enough to do so, but that luxury won't happen for a while. I've had to keep my pedals down to the most functional lately, which isn't a bad thing since it brings some much needed perspective.

JKoeth, I still own and use PGC, MGMV & SBEQ on a daily basis, with the newly acquired LPOD of course. In an ideal world I would dearly love to have HBOD, EGDM etc all here for home use, should the whim take me. Perhaps one day I'll be fortunate enough to do so, but that luxury won't happen for a while. I've had to keep my pedals down to the most functional lately, which isn't a bad thing since it brings some much needed perspective.