Re: Model D

Sun Jun 28, 2015 3:14 pm
by ak47
I like fuzz

description & clips would be cool!
Re: Model D

Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:29 pm
by polifemo
ak47 wrote:
I really dig the colours!
Thanks for the review as it is interesting to compare notes and I can really relate to your descriptions.. The funny thing is that I have tried the MD with a variety of amps and it is always, always good to go.. So easy to dial in a great sound and I can always find that D 'grunt' that I like quite easily

What amp/guitar do you use?
There ya' go: HUSVAGNSBRUN!!!
This far I've only tried it thru the amp in my Avatar which is a 3 channel 15 w/2X6V6 amp that I built myself. I've ran the "D" mostly into the clean channel but I tried it briefly into the dirt channel, set for breakup, and the sound was scary good!
Regarding guitars I've used a Les Paul with humbuckers and a Les Paul Jr with one P90. Single coil guitars to come

Re: Model D

Sun Jun 28, 2015 11:36 pm
by polifemo
ak47 wrote:I like fuzz

description & clips would be cool!
I might do clips later on but if any will end up here in "Björns corner" it'll be because the man himself decides to do some. Otherwise I'll post them elsewhere.
The goal when designing (as i said, with some help from Björn) this fuzz was to create a pedal that cleaned up like a good Fuzz Face when using the guitars volume control but that had the sound of an OD/Distortion. Think that I succeded quite well actually
Enough of my stuff and back to "The Model D"

Re: Model D

Mon Jun 29, 2015 3:29 pm
by ak47
wow, sounds like a really cool amp... 6V6's always feel really nice... hmm.. do a youtube of the fuzz!
Glad you are enjoying the D.. hardly surprizing though

Re: Model D

Tue Jun 30, 2015 2:35 pm
polifemo wrote:ak47 wrote:I like fuzz

description & clips would be cool!
I might do clips later on but if any will end up here in "Björns corner" it'll be because the man himself decides to do some. Otherwise I'll post them elsewhere.
The goal when designing (as i said, with some help from Björn) this fuzz was to create a pedal that cleaned up like a good Fuzz Face when using the guitars volume control but that had the sound of an OD/Distortion. Think that I succeded quite well actually
Enough of my stuff and back to "The Model D" I remember i saw a few of those fuzz pedals at TGT11:) tried one of them and sounded great!
Re: Model D

Wed Jul 01, 2015 3:23 am
by ak47
Seems a trip to stockholm is in order...

Re: Model D

Sun Jul 05, 2015 12:39 pm
by polifemo
I've got 4 models "on display" at TGT11 right now and a 5:th (a clone of Sebbes Vox Tonebender) model is planned.
It's good to hear that Sebbe is using the Model D on tour with "Ledin" and obviuosly digging the sound a lot!
Re: Model D

Tue Jul 07, 2015 9:51 am
by jdandry
I've had my Model D for a couple weeks now. I have played it at home and on a couple gigs.
Here are my thoughts so far.
Overall sound:
I must admit that I really didn't know what the Dumble sound was. For some reason I had in my head
a singing, saturated tone. When I first received the pedal, I was looking for something that was not there.
I did some listening to guys that used Dumbles; SRV, Ford among others and clips of real Dumble amps.
This opened my eyes. Now i had an understanding of this sound.
The Model D has the instant SRV tone with single coils. Since I'm most familiar with his sound, it was instantly recognizable.
Its as much a feel thing as a tone. To me, the Dumble is to a BF Fender what a Trainwreck Rocket is to a AC30.
Rocket is what a AC30 wishes it was.
For my use so far, I've found with the drive control at 12:00 and under produces a Fat..yet thin..clean yet dirty, open, stringy
cranked Fender sound. The compression gives the pedal the perfect spongy and takes with pick attack.
The transition from clean to OD is better than amp like! Just incredible! The pedal makes my clean channel sound much better.
The D has the ability to sound smooth and ragged at the same time, all in the right spots.
Loads of volume on tap.
This control is called Edge but it almost works like a Loudness control on a old Hi-Fi. The Edge controls hi-mids but adds a snap to the lowend as well. This control gives the ragged edge to the sound and an overall clarity. I've found that at bedroom levels it needs to be at a higher setting and gig volume, the control lower..for me, about 12:00. the range of the control is very good.
This control works the overdrive in the bass. I remember reading how Cesar Diaz and SRV would work on getting a clean bottom end while keeping the mids and highs distorting when pushed. This control does that. It does not seem to take low end away..just distorts it and makes it woolier. VERY nice!!! It also seen to effect the lower mids..the lower the control, the more scooped it is..but in a Fender way.
This controls the distortion. Higher settings adds drive and high end in the ragged freq range.
I seem to like it about 12:00 or a bit under. I still need more time working it above that level because at noon, it seems perfect for the sound I'm going for.
Seems to hit the amp the best at 12:00 or above.
loads of volume on tap.
I feel this pedal could be an always on pedal. It adds a perfect blues tone for both lead and rhythm and makes my amp sound much better. Not a muddy TS tone at all. This is the ultimate Dumble/Fender amp in a box.
So good!!
I am looking for a great stacker to drive the pedal. Any suggestions on what you have tried would be appreciated!
I feel a mid range booster maybe like a TS would be good. Been thinking about a One Control Persian Screamer.
Sorry for any typos! And please let me know your experience with the D.
I'm playing a Tele with Joe Barden Pickups and a 65' Ampeg Gemini I, but the pedal sounded AMAZING
through Super Reverbs...and Fender amps I have at my shop.
- John