The Cs-40 obviously has tons more versatility but the L&M produces that great full frequency clean sound and some great distortion/OD tones. The CS-40 has tons of ways to tweak the mid range and high end tone to get lots of different tones. Both amps have a round low end with zero flub. I agree that for a 3 watt amp it sounds huge and the 15 db clean boost using the effects loop is nice on my unit.
For someone who want that bjf tone, this amp is hard to beat. It's basically an amp and fuzz pedal in one grab and go unit.
And given the cost of original bjfe pedals it is a great bargain.
Right now I have my second one down at the shore house but I really should run them stereo at some point!

Not sure if we could do a tourbox but maybe we could do an east coast and west coast bjfe meetup.
I could bring my amps and pedal boards for everyone to try.
Mike B
musicsoma wrote:triggaz wrote:Yea they are rare and considering how good they sound, very under priced.
Has a very similar freq response as my CS-40 and despite it's wattage never sounds thin.
Oh and it records just like it sounds which is nice.
Mike B
That is exactly what I was hoping to hear. I was crossing my fingers the L & M would be a sort of "mini CS-40"... killer tone in a smaller box. I just can't get over the thick, warm, overdriven goodness it spits out. It also sounds MUCH bigger than it is. I am thinking about running it with an amp selector in a live setting. I can run my pedalboard into my blackface Princeton or tweed Deluxe then use the L & M on its own. I don't feel like I would even want to change the tone of it with any pedals, so running an A/B configuration in terms of amps may be the way to go for me. It really is everything I love about Bjorn's pedals (the organic feel, the thick dirt, and the creamy tone) all in an amp that won't break my back to transport or make my neighbors' ears bleed when cranked at home.
I wish I could figure out a way to do a tourbox with this amp to let more people try it. Shipping and insurance would be a bit pricey though. I guess we'll have to bring them to the first ever BJFE convention with special guest appearances by BJ and Donner and breakout Folk pedal building sessions.