Re: Louder and More

I loved my louder and more head so much I bought a second one.
I have the version with a effects loop which is nice because you can use it as a boost.
Best sounding low wattage amp I have heard. Personally I use mine with a 2x12 loaded with
scumabck speakers and it sounds great.
Oh and btw I think you got a good deal. Got one of mine for 600 and the other for 750.
Mike Byrne
I have the version with a effects loop which is nice because you can use it as a boost.
Best sounding low wattage amp I have heard. Personally I use mine with a 2x12 loaded with
scumabck speakers and it sounds great.
Oh and btw I think you got a good deal. Got one of mine for 600 and the other for 750.
Mike Byrne
musicsoma wrote:I will definitely share some thoughts once it arrives. There are so pretty exceptional videos on youtube, but I can't wait to hear it in person. I have a couple of smaller amps I currently use including a 1952 Tweed Deluxe, 1966 Vibro Champ, and a 1966 Princeton. I think my little blackface Vibro Champ is only 3-5 watts, so it will be fun to compare the two. Apparently I need to get a good cab with a Red Fang speaker to go with the L&M. I do have a really cool VOX cab from a 1966 AC30 Super Twin that I may use. It is loaded with dual Celestion Silver Bells that I'm sure will sound awesome!