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Mon Jun 07, 2010 9:22 pm
by Jordan
I am thinking about buying one of these and was wondering what kind of tone this will give me i have a fender hot rod deville amp and a ernie ball musicman jp and a g&l asat. What was the original pricing from you on these bad boys just to reference this one i am looking at is really expensive but with you rep my hopes are very high its either this or a honey bee.

Tue Jun 08, 2010 12:28 am
by colourtones
Jordan- Welcome to the forum. Both the EGDM and the HBOD are superior pedals. Two things are important in your decision. Your rig and what tone you are attempting to achieve.
Your rig strikes me as bright American. Fixed bias Fender. G&L. Ernie Ball. Not knowing the style of music you play makes this tougher but I would think the HBOD would be complimentary to your rig. This is just my opinion based on your rig. I own both, they work well individually and together. I also believe the HBOD is a great base introduction to BJFE pedals. Do yourself a favor, go to the BJFE Library and read the pedal descriptions for both provided by Mr. Picard. These will help you make your decision. One last thing. These pedals are expensive for good sensible reasons. They all are built by BJ in Sweden, they all sound amazing and players in the know highly covet them. Because of this the demand is greater than the supply. But rest assured when you get one you will hear and feel where the money
went. BJFE pedals are high art. Hope this helps. Happy Hunting!

Tue Jul 06, 2010 10:38 am
by leevi
Although a bit off-topic, I was wondering how long are the cycles for a certain pedal to be manufactured, or common pedal waiting times? If I've understood correctly, Björn usually makes one type of pedal at a time in batches? Last summer I ordered a HBOD from Custom-Sounds, and in about 2-3 months I got mine, and at the moment I am waiting for a EGDM, which I ordered in January..
I'm asking this for my own comfort, as I am beginning to be afraid I've dropped out from the Custom-Sounds waiting list..

Tue Jul 06, 2010 11:41 am
by ptbarnum
You should be custom sounds, they're great list keepers.
If you're still concerned, send an email, they always answer me quickly


Sat Mar 17, 2012 4:55 am
by leevi
Replying to this old topic, as it still seems to be on the first page, and relevant-ish, I received the mentioned EGDM in last July, it really is a very good pedal, rough, articulate, singing and a bunch of superlatives. Thank you BJ.
One thing i find interesting, and at this moment would like to know more about, is the appearance; Eddystone box and the labeling of the pots? I know BJ uses eddystone boxes sometimes (my BBOD is the same) but whats going on with the controls?


Sat Mar 17, 2012 11:27 am
by Your name here
^ That's weird. Maybe a mistake...? Perhaps someone's custom order you received by mistake? Maybe it's the first Emerald Green Fuzz Machine! What's written on the inside?

Wed Mar 21, 2012 8:53 am
by leevi
Your name here wrote:^ That's weird. Maybe a mistake...? Perhaps someone's custom order you received by mistake? Maybe it's the first Emerald Green Fuzz Machine! What's written on the inside?
Nothing seems different inside, "EGD" and space and planets on the back plate.

Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:38 am
by cajone5
I've seen this on more than one occasion with a BJF pedal -- I think I've seen HBOD's that are labelled with fuzz instead of drive and possibly a DRD or MH or something that was labelled with Fuzz and Nature knobs instead of Drive and Treble/Tone. Maybe

is just trying to mix things up.

Wed Mar 21, 2012 11:55 am
by rockeroo
The forum (and life in general) can get a little mundane and serious, at times. I am sure Bjorn understands. My guess, is that he would like to see the world lighten up and smile a bit more ... maybe laugh a little -- even at our own expense. These little "curveballs" make the BJF empire an interesting place.
For example: my Emerald Green has a SN: EDGM4K4
Emerald Distortion Green Machine?
Perhaps alcohol was involved..
Sounds good to me.

Thu Mar 22, 2012 2:53 am
by BJF
There was a time when I'd have text change if it wasn't correct to the model.
Now, this EGD was most likely made at the same time with several CAF's

and sometimes thaere can be quite a few models in progress at the same time and you know all the red one are CAF's, except the ones that are DRD's and of the green ones...............oh and btw here's custom honey bee coloured AWF
Whenever something gets a funny text which is very rare in some 6000 pedals I would ask to let it be as someday someone may find it fun and perhaps special and ask a question why it is.
Anyway have fun