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Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Thu May 20, 2010 10:23 am
by RolloTomassi
I have a Fulltone OCD and I really like it. However, at some point, I want to upgrade to an even more boutique and amp-like pedal. What BJF pedal is similar to an OCD, but even better and on the next level?
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Thu May 20, 2010 11:30 am
by thesjkexperience
BJFe = Dyna Red Distortion (plexi marshall)
Mad Professor = Mighty Red Distortion (80's Marshall sound)
Both are far better than the V.4 OCD I had and the Dyna Red is unbeatable for a true amp like sound and touch. To me the OCD sounded like a pedal and got boxy at volume. Bjorn's designs are far from that sounding more amp like at volume and even work well into amps with a little grit.
Ocds have a rather small sweet spot, dont have punch at lower gain levels and dont stack well. Again, BJF are the total opposite.
It is pretty easy to get a Mad Professor, but there will be a wait for a Dyna Red unless you luck into a used one. Not many sell them, and for good reason!
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Thu May 20, 2010 12:08 pm
by RolloTomassi
Thanks, I watched a couple demos of the LGW too and that looked really good. But is that more of a low-medium gain pedal? Honestly, when I use my OCD, the gain knob is between 12-2 o'clock so I don't use it for super saturated and high gain sounds.
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Thu May 20, 2010 1:14 pm
by thesjkexperience
The LGW is a great and super versatile pedal, but it lacks the complexity of sound/tone the DRD & MRD have. You would run the DRD at about 11 o'clock to hit a similar gain level and you have a very touch sensitive pedal which isnt as compressed as an OCD.
The LGW works great as a booster that can double as an od/distortion where the DRD is an amazing od/distortion that can double as a great booster.
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Thu May 20, 2010 1:17 pm
by RolloTomassi
Sounds like I want an MRD. Thanks man!
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Thu May 20, 2010 8:11 pm
by SteveA
Yeah, the DRD is a classic of the BJF line. You should look into it. They go for ~400$ on ebay every now and then.
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Fri May 21, 2010 12:24 am
by hawaii121
+1 on the DRD - have that and the LGW - both are sooooo killer! Get the DRD and then pick up a LGW or HB and you are entering into the zone!
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Wed Jun 02, 2010 7:50 pm
by SteveA
I need to get me one of those. And a CHII. That baby sounds so good. Too bad I didn't have the money when it passed by last month or so.
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Wed Jun 16, 2010 4:58 pm
by huckleboogie
this thread reminds me on how GREAT the LGW sounds stacked into my OCD (at lower gain settings). LGW stacks well into almost any dirty sound and might be a good companion to Your OCD.
Re: Recommend a BJF/Mad Professor pedal to me

Mon Mar 21, 2016 12:50 am
by dalong
BBOD if you can find one.