Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:14 am
by mrpicard
There is a story....but it may not be told...so....what do you think is behind the mystery...

Re: Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 10:57 am
by Donner
Hmmmm does it have anything to do with Monkeys and Bar B Q ??
come on 'Fez' up

Re: Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:36 pm
by VacuumVoodoo
Hmmm...he was wearing a green one this last Saturday....
Re: Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 12:57 pm
by Strat-o-lux
"Shriner" convention? You guys have Shriners over there (Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine)? I think they do the monkeys and Bar B Q thing.
Re: Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 4:42 pm
by Bobby D
Re: Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:25 pm
by mrpicard
Just checking the green...

Re: Unconventional October

Mon Oct 26, 2009 9:44 pm
by Bobby D
such a serious look!
my father was a shriner. i will have to ask him if he will give me any of his old FEZ hats, he had some VERY fancy ones. they would look good on the mad professor

Re: Unconventional October

Sat Oct 31, 2009 1:09 am
by robkeeler
I'm so happy to see you in the fez, Bjorn. Wear it well and don't disappoint the secret order of green fez!
Re: Unconventional October

Sun Nov 01, 2009 5:41 pm
by BJF
Thank you Rob, I 'll do my utter best.
Do stop by more often if you have the time and weigh in on subjects
The truth is unbelievable
Posted 2005:
Do you mean like this:
Pedal Manufacturer's Consolidated and Amplifier Technicians Galore have decreed at last annual convent at a remote cottage, every attendent wearing the traditional dark green fez, and smoking
cigarrs rolled between the thighs of beautiful cuban women, that the guidelines for 2006 should remain the same as last year, and in that that pedals should only partially be compatible with amplifiers and vice verse and ATG have agreed to make varying signature tones to amplifiers so that pedal use may dictate a random pattern of what can work and PMC have agreed to make specific solutions so that optimum results would only be randomly found. Represants from amo Pick up Desingers Lobby and Speakers unltd. Cabinett and supporting branches The Tube Collective, the Cable Guys and others agreed to make a plethora of solutions to further aid the cause.
All in an effort to guide the customer group known as guitarists into the desired sequence
following the motto: 'there can be no shortcuts to perfect sound'
A part delegation spearheaded by Hans unt Hans proposed there should be an entry level and so called Bad Monkeys where suggested in further broadening the use of plastic and so the supergroup series will be more expensive, bigger, heavier in design and consequently more collectible in the future and intermediate diffusions are to be released on a weekly basis.
The former Tear and Throw Away leadership has become inapt, and the recyclingsystem that while preventing global garbage, also presents a threat to the branch.
Chairman Pompus Pedalii decreed that the garden variety of gear shall exceed all expectations in variations of known patterns throughout the coming two years for the good of the community.
The embryo of this I found at another forum and could not resist seeing the humour
What It Is, Steven Bruton