Teachers Pet ?

Wed Feb 28, 2007 12:42 am
by Donner
BJ do you have a favorite pedal or stack ???

Fri Mar 02, 2007 7:50 pm
by BJF
I would say the pedal I have used the most is the DRD, and I hav also enjoyed predriving it wi?h e.g. Timmy or LGW or Sparkling Yellow ( originally made as a companion to DRD at the request of docrock) or Mc Fuzz. These days I find great fun playing the Mighty Red Distortion, for the ease that brings to playing but also enjoy a red Folk Fuzz at minimum settings, due to the mean sound it gets.......yes I see the pattern red is good distortion to my ears.
I do enjoy sounds of many pedals and some of my old favourites are the Mc Fuzz, the Melos Square Wave.
I have a hard time building a pedal with a sounds I don't see the merits of- sometimes it is not all together obvious like with the EGD that somedays just bonds other days I don't get along with it.
It's actually the same way with the BBOD and I'll have to remind myself of why I made it.
I often return to the Honey Bee and it holds my younger days in a way but I am glad I have a choice because as a musician I wouldn't like to be limited to just one sound.
Colours have a deep meaning to me and what that would suggest in sound so I have a Sea Blue minivibe for use prior to distortion and a swirly blue/green/white Donnerbox Amvibian for use of modulation after distortion
I thought long and hard about this and settled on three dirtpedals to inspre me and they are all red.
I have only used dirtpedals when I have had a need for a clean sound on the fly and otherwise just gotten along fine with amp distortion and the only pedal I have used the is a delay pedal or tape echo so really I guess my real favourite pedal would be delay. The essence of what I wanted in a delay I put into the MP Deep Blue delay, while still ever residing with me is my Ibanez AD-80 that I modified since it made no sense to me at all in its original form.
It was a sad day when rain came into my trusted Dynachord echochord mini but it was also the day that I thought I'd have to get a pedal that can have that sound. Oh yea I still have a nice tape echo in a Hohner - the poor man's echoplex.
Oh I guess distortion and echo is what interest me the most and those are sounds in my head.
I think textures inspire to certain playingstyles and therefore it is fun to have many options just like you would have a collection of ties- well I do anyway a tie for each mode, funy though I seldomly wear a tie.
I come from the punkrock generation and we had miserable gear the kind you had to conquer or give up I think I have seen the worst peices of equipment there possibly were but through years as a musician I have struggled to find each piece of the sounds all inspired by the impossibly faul gear that was once handed down: there has got to be a way of better sounds
Distortion and echo were always hard and I guess they'd be my all time favourites aswell.
The DRD I made for myself for my own use and it has since been my main go to pedal.
But i keep for instance a Danelectro Black Coffe just to remind me of the fun of dense distortion.
Oh some of my favourite stacks would include also DRD through SBEQ through some amps
or with the strat RRB predriving the HB, which kind of gets the same feel as the HB driven by humbuckers.
BBOD through Folk Fuzz is another nice stack, but I think the most ridicoulously easy played sound is LGW predriving Mighty Red
Sound is fun
Have more fun

Fri Mar 16, 2007 12:32 pm
by Donner
yes I think of the DRD as a universal distortion - there is a setting for just about anything this side of scooped death metal tones.... and if I could just have one drive that would likley be it....

Thu Apr 05, 2007 1:55 am
by Al Nico
looks like i need a DRD
hey Harri!!!

Thu Apr 05, 2007 3:08 am
by amphead777
YES, The DRD from the man himself. Love that pedal!!