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Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Sun Apr 14, 2013 1:56 am
by ak47
Forgot to mention.. You will love this pedal!!! I gave it a slamming last night into a low watt amp totally maxed out... the dirt was to die for.. really brown and the cleans were rich and full.. Mumsfillibabba!

Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Tue Apr 16, 2013 12:45 am
by thesjkexperience
The name right now is: Gunbarrel Custom Guitars.
I live on the far north east part of the city of Boulder in an area nicknamed Gunbarrel for one of the wagon roads that was straight as a gunbarrel. I do not want to use Boulder as it is over used and outside of Boulder people can not seem to let go of the stereotype of this city. In the 1970 until the late 1990s Boulder was known for it's strong counter culture, old hippies, health food, etc. It was a cool and funky town. Because of that image a lot of rich dweebs from both east and west coast had to move here when they cashed out of the dot com boom/bust. All the money drove the prices too high for the cool and funky people who were not quick enough to see what was happening and got priced out or forced out. Now everyone looks around and says hey, I thought Boulder was supposed to be cool and funky, but it is all a bunch of nimby rich, white folks. So, I am glad I am out in the Gunbarrel area where there is a lot more room!
I do not have a good name to put on a headstock, nor can I split it and add Tone to the end. Who would buy a Kauftone? lol I am open to other ideas as I have not invested in headstock stickers yet.
Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Tue Apr 16, 2013 6:52 am
by Joeleo
Gunbarrel is really cool. I also think playing off your initials would be cool, too. SJK Guitars, SJ Kaufman, something like that. Just generating a few other ideas.
Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Tue Apr 16, 2013 9:39 am
by ak47
Yep.. 'More bang for your buck with Gunbarrel!'
So how did you go with the box wiring?
Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Tue May 14, 2013 9:54 pm
by JKoeth
Are these kits still available?
Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Sat May 18, 2013 3:39 pm
by ak47
I am pretty sure the batch was sold out but I think there is a kit for sale in the buy/sell/trades section.. Great pedal!

Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Sun May 19, 2013 12:19 pm
by thesjkexperience
ak47 wrote:Yep.. 'More bang for your buck with Gunbarrel!'
So how did you go with the box wiring?
Great tag line!
I have had computer problems and had to get a new one, so that and trying to build guitars all I have done is the board. I have to leave for a jam now, but tonight I should pull the Buster out and finish it. I am trying to sell my RRB to get money for either an amp kit (like I have time for that!) or check out Keedy amps Giza (5E7 Bandmaster). I sent him an email with some questions about his amps.
Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Mon May 20, 2013 11:53 am
by ak47
Your guitars look really nice! I guess making instruments, amps & pedals requires some solid craftwork and a good feel for what is right... Great planning, knowledge & experimentation and good raw materials are the key..
A bit like winemaking I guess.. One wine can turn out to be undrinkable vinegar, another can be nice and drinkable and then you find the one that is ultimately the equvalent of sex in a bottle

Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Tue Sep 10, 2013 1:27 am
by thetoneseeker
Man, I really need to start on my Cherry Buster. I've been pushing it back because my amp hasn't even arrived yet.
Re: Cherry Buster Build Thread

Tue Sep 10, 2013 9:05 am
by ak47
All the more reason to get it done.. Your Hiwatt will love it