FF 3.5% pot question

Sun May 22, 2011 3:45 pm
by jdandry
Confused, can anyone clear this up. What taper is the tone and volume control? 100k linear volume and 50k audio tone? Thanks..putting another one together and will probably sell my Donnerbox one.
Re: FF 3.5% pot question

Mon May 23, 2011 7:53 am
by ibodog
Probably 100K linear for the volume. It just depends on where you like to see the knob positioned when it is "loud enough". If you want to feel like "Whoa! This thing has tons of output!" then you should use the linear taper. If you want a little finer control in the range then use an audio taper for the volume, but "loud enough" will be further up on the dial than the same value linear pot.
Looks like 50K audio for the treble control.