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Folk fuzz 3.5% mod for less fuzzy and more overdriven tone?

Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:18 pm
by jdandry
So i really like the tone of the FF3.5% in the middle least fuzz position. Is there a mod that I can do to get
less fuzz in the tone and make it more of a overdrive but keep the gain?
Re: Folk fuzz 3.5% mod for less fuzzy and more overdriven to

Mon Sep 20, 2010 2:56 am
by jfromel
If you go 100% germanium with the trannies and put 1n34A diodes in the secondary clipping section and make sure you have a 1M rev audio pot for the fuzz control that should get you closer.
Re: Folk fuzz 3.5% mod for less fuzzy and more overdriven to

Tue Sep 21, 2010 4:27 pm
by jdandry
ok, I'll try it. I also want to put a "input trim" in front of the fuzz. Would a 250k work? Better audio or Lin taper? Thanks!!
Re: Folk fuzz 3.5% mod for less fuzzy and more overdriven to

Mon Sep 27, 2010 3:17 pm
by jfromel
the fuzz control limits the input gain so you really don't need another trim pot before it. Start with the 1m rev audio taper for the fuzz control and see if that does not do it for you.