Anyhow I started working on his amps a couple years ago and last week he brought in a pretty cool and unique compressor for a re-cap. It's a CEi ACP-1 Compressor-Preamp. When I was done re-capping it I thought it sounded great. It was obviously never meant for guitar, today I found that Charles Caringella (CEi), published the project in Popular Electronics in February 1968 and called it COMPLY, with specific applications for tape recording and CB/Ham Radio use. I think with some minor tweaking this could really be a great alternative to the Dyna-Comp, it's got a lot of sqish on tap

The only differences in the unit I worked on and the schematic were.
- 100n cap at input before the pot (not present on publised schem)
- C2 = 100pf (270pf on published schem)
- diode on my unit was 1n60, NPN trannies were 2n3390 and PNP trannie was 2n1307