start by sorting out the parts.

then install the diodes and resistors (mind the polarity of the diodes). Save the clippings from the resistors.

then the LED's and Mica Cap (mind the polarity of the LED's, long lead goes closest to the band)

then the film caps

then the EL caps and trannies, note the direction of the trannies - THIS IS THE CORRECT WAY TO INSTALL THEM (also mind the polarity of the EL caps)

I install the pots outside the box and use the outside as a guide, just put the volume pot where it says fuzz on the outside and the fuzz pot where it says Volume and tone stays in the middle. To prevent shorts I glued a bit of plastic to the back of the pots (I highly reccommend this).

To connect the pots I use the clippings from the resistors for leads, connect first to the board as shown.