Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

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Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby jfromel » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:39 pm

This is the thread to post build questions, mods, tweaks, etc. Here is a photo journal of my build for guidance.

start by sorting out the parts.
then install the diodes and resistors (mind the polarity of the diodes). Save the clippings from the resistors.
then the LED's and Mica Cap (mind the polarity of the LED's, long lead goes closest to the band)
then the film caps
then the EL caps and trannies, note the direction of the trannies - THIS IS THE CORRECT WAY TO INSTALL THEM (also mind the polarity of the EL caps)
I install the pots outside the box and use the outside as a guide, just put the volume pot where it says fuzz on the outside and the fuzz pot where it says Volume and tone stays in the middle. To prevent shorts I glued a bit of plastic to the back of the pots (I highly reccommend this).
To connect the pots I use the clippings from the resistors for leads, connect first to the board as shown.
Last edited by jfromel on Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:08 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby jfromel » Wed Dec 30, 2009 3:46 pm

Here is a few shots of the pots installed, remember to break the nibs off the pot as shown.
next hook up all your leads for the rest of the connections - Input, Output, Switch, LED (the long lead from the LED goes to the board, the short lead from the LED will go to the stomp switch)and one ground on either side
Now for final wiring. I used spare bits of lead to wire the ground from the DC-Jack to the input jack and back to the switch. This wiring diagram shorts the input to ground when the effect is off, which helps prevent pops.
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby mr. min t.fresh » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:19 pm

This is just what the Dr. ordered my man!!!

I am going to give the build a spin when I get home later!!! I may have a few questions on the 9V power supply wiring and the switch next to the LED.

Many thanks
Mr. Fresh
mr. min t.fresh
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby JoBro » Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:37 pm

Thanks for posting these pics! I'm getting to work right away.

I've got one question. I've got 3 diodes labeled 1n4001 but i do not have a 1n4002. Are they interchangeable?
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby Miskha » Wed Dec 30, 2009 7:34 pm

Great thread! Thanks Mr. Fromel! If anyone had any suggestions that would make this pedal more usable on bass guitar (mods or swapping components that allow more bass through) they would be greatly appreciated!
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby jfromel » Wed Dec 30, 2009 8:57 pm

JoBro wrote:Thanks for posting these pics! I'm getting to work right away.

I've got one question. I've got 3 diodes labeled 1n4001 but i do not have a 1n4002. Are they interchangeable?

All the 1n400x diodes are the same, the only difference is how may volts they can handle,

1n4001 = 50v
1n4002 = 100v
1n4003 = 200v
1n4004 = 400v
1n4005 = 600v
1n4006 = 800v
1n4007 = 1000v

since the pedal will rarely see anything over 9v you can use any 1n400x diode with the same results.
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby JoBro » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:13 pm

Awesome, I'll dive back in.
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby aussy » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:20 pm

Thanks a lot John! Quick question: does it matter what left over leads I use to connect the pots? I didn't set aside the resistor leads, so the leftovers are all mixed up.
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby jfromel » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:30 pm

Miskha wrote:Great thread! Thanks Mr. Fromel! If anyone had any suggestions that would make this pedal more usable on bass guitar (mods or swapping components that allow more bass through) they would be greatly appreciated!

Bjorn posted this in the last FF build

Let's see for bass perhaps try lowering R3 to 2K0 and increasing capacitor C1 to 470nF-this will give more fuzz at extreme end of FUZZ control and try getting a 1M C ( reverse log) for that. [this round of FF kits has the 1MC pot for fuzz] This modification will also give more low end.

Try excluding T3 and T4 for less fuzz effect

Try increasing the value of the Tonecontrol cap to say 68nF for a deeper range of the tonecontrol.

Try also moving the bases of T3 and T4 to junction R11 and terminal 3 Volume pot and the tone control cap which will shift what gets most distorted.

Try connecting a capacitor 4n7 across terminals 3 and 1 of the Volumecontrol for a fixed treblecut and increase value if turnover frequency is not low enough.

If you try any of this please let me know what you think and any further observations you make which will help me to come up with maybe something close to what you'd like from this basic circuit
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Re: Folk Fuzz 3.5% build thread

Postby jfromel » Wed Dec 30, 2009 10:31 pm

aussy wrote:Thanks a lot John! Quick question: does it matter what left over leads I use to connect the pots? I didn't set aside the resistor leads, so the leftovers are all mixed up.

If you use ones that are all similar in size it will go a lot easier, which is why I reccommended the resistor leads.
Part time pedal builder with a day job now with a web site
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